State of GameSalad on 10-29-2014

ForumNinjaForumNinja Key Master, Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 554

Hello again everyone! I know there have been some suggestions from you guys for us to stop work on the Windows Creator and I really don’t think that’ll happen. I would like to thank you guys again for all your patience, you guys are awesome! Now on to our current state:

  1. I’ve seen some issues being had with Game Center (games not being recognized) as well as the “Request Purchase Data” behavior causing crashes. We’ve come to the conclusion that these are being caused on Apple's side. There are some threads open in the Apple dev forums on the subject about the Game Center issue (check out the end of this thread: The issue with the “Request Purchase Data” behavior causing crashes is both ours and Apple’s fault. The crash is due to how we handle receiving null data for the price and name values. We’re working on a fix for the crashes that should be coming out in the near future, but this won’t fix the issue of Apple sending us null values in the first place.

  2. Release 12 for Windows users. (This is the Windows version of Mac creators’ release 0.12.10) We’re still working hard on getting Windows Creator up to date with our Mac Creator. One such bug that’s currently being looked at is: Creator will crash if you stop the Viewer on an iOS device then click "Back To Editor"

  3. Release 0.13.0. for Mac users. (The next big release for Macs) Work is coming along on this. I know everyone is excited for this release, but it’s still a little ways out. For those who don’t know, a couple of the major additions that will come with release 13 are Facebook integration and the new rendering system. It’s my understanding that our first pass at Facebook integration will include being able to post to walls (images, text, and even URLs). The new rendering system should bring improved performance and memory usage with it!

  4. New nightly build for Mac. We’re still working on getting a nightly build through our new build system, and whenever we get that worked out we’ll be releasing a nightly build for you guys to mess around with!

  5. New marketplace. Good progress has been made here with one major feature still being worked on. Our web guys are also working on a new homepage!

  6. GameSalad Game Jam 2014! Are you a fan of our previous Amazon promotion which awarded a month of FREE pro in exchange for publishing to Kindle? If so, you're going to want to participate in our GameSalad Game Jam! for more details, see the Game Jam 2014 forum post here:

  7. Cross platform creator. Great progress is being made here and It’s getting closer to share time every day! :)

That’s all for this week. More info coming at you guys next week!



  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394

    I dream of a day when you announce niceties such as joints ;)

  • RedRoboRedRobo Member, PRO Posts: 682

    I for one urge you to bring Windows Creator up to date....we are feeling a bit neglected at the moment, I have a tear in my eye as I'm typing this :'(

  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273

    Always great, team! Thanks for keeping us up to date! Might be nice to see a roadmap update?

  • ForumNinjaForumNinja Key Master, Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 554

    @strag‌ That's right near the top of the list for a reason :)

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390

    @ForumNinja‌ Thanks for the update.

    A question on point 1. above:

    " The issue with the “Request Purchase Data” behavior causing crashes is both ours and Apple’s fault. The crash is due to how we handle receiving null data for the price and name values. We’re working on a fix for the crashes that should be coming out in the near future, but this won’t fix the issue of Apple sending us null values in the first place. "

    Does this mean that apps we submit built with 12.10 are going to get rejected until this is resolved?

    For that matter, because Apple changed the way IAPs are handled now, we can't submit a build from any version of Creator, if we have IAPs!

  • 8bitninja8bitninja Member Posts: 367

    Sounds great, guys! Thanks for all the hard work. Any ideas on adding controller support at some point? ;)

  • RedRoboRedRobo Member, PRO Posts: 682

    @ForumNinja said:
    strag‌ That's right near the top of the list for a reason :)

    Brill...(drying my eyes!)

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250

    @8bitninja i was working on controller support last night you can follow this thread for updates

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250
    edited October 2014

    @PhilipCC this has only happened to one person out of everyone that is using 0.12 with the new IAP so i think you are safe. We will release a fix for the issue some time this week.

  • dvdkingdvdking Member Posts: 10

    @strag said:
    I for one urge you to bring Windows Creator up to date....we are feeling a bit neglected at the moment, I have a tear in my eye as I'm typing this :'(

    I for one agree. I hear a lot of people saying "just get a mac" or "they should just drop windows" and this bothers me. We pay the same price to go Pro, but I am also feeling somewhat neglected. It won't be long until I have to decide whether to renew or not.

  • supafly129supafly129 Member Posts: 454

    @beefy_clyro said:
    I dream of a day when you announce niceties such as joints ;)

    Ah joints would put a massive smile on my face :# one day!

  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394

    @supafly129 said:
    Ah joints would put a massive smile on my face :# one day!

    Maybe one day, when I'm old(er) and my fingers have arthritis and no longer function! I've been asking for this for years but seems I'm never gonna see it in the light of day :(

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390

    @BlackCloakGS said:
    PhilipCC this has only happened to one person out of everyone that is using 0.12 with the new IAP so i think you are safe. We will release a fix for the issue some time this week.

    Thanks, that's reassuring.

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250

    @PhilipCC‌ we have release the hot fix that fixes the issue
    see the iOS binary 0.12.10a release

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited October 2014

    @beefy_clyro said:
    Maybe one day, when I'm old(er) and my fingers have arthritis and no longer function! I've been asking for this for years but seems I'm never gonna see it in the light of day :(

    Yep, I can't see things like polygonal collision detection or joints ever happening either.

  • ForumNinjaForumNinja Key Master, Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 554

    @Socks‌ A little birdie told me that both polygonal collision detection AND joints will be features in the cross platform creator :)

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378

    @ForumNinja said:
    Socks‌ A little birdie told me that both polygonal collision detection AND joints will be features in the cross platform creator :)

    I may be in love with that little birdie.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited October 2014

    @ForumNinja said:
    Socks‌ A little birdie told me that both polygonal collision detection AND joints will be features in the cross platform creator :)

    That sounds unbelievable (in both meanings of the word :smile: ), of course we've been here before over the years, and I've grown old and cynical and pessimistic and angry and bitter and now sit alone in a shed painting angry faces on pebbles to leave in my local park to confuse and worry the children, but if even just one of these features saw the light of day it would be absolutely amazing. :o :D :p :) :D

    I feel a bit churlish even commenting on these kinds of things as a non-Pro member, but I do intend to return to Pro status when I have the money.

  • ValanValan Member, BASIC Posts: 410

    Please ask the little birdie if there will be access to the cameras or on device image files any time soon.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @Valan said:
    Please ask the little birdie if there will be access to the cameras or on device image files any time soon.

    Forget that, let's catch the bird ourselves and waterboard it, find out what it knows.

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390

    @Socks said:
    ... and I've grown old and cynical and pessimistic and angry and bitter and now sit alone in a shed painting angry faces on pebbles to leave in my local park to confuse and worry the children, but if even just one of these features saw the light of day it would be absolutely amazing.

    :o :D :p :) :D Haha ha! If these are the worst faces you can paint, then you must truly be a nice man. >:)

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922

    I imagine since the cross platform is a ground up build they used a new physics engine. I can even live with no backwards compatibility with a new fresh creator. Sooner or later you need to cut the cord to move forward.

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408

    @The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
    I imagine since the cross platform is a ground up build they used a new physics engine. I can even live with no backwards compatibility with a new fresh creator. Sooner or later you need to cut the cord to move forward.

    yea, if I was driving I'd make the new creator not worry about supporting old projects, just keep the last version of the old GS working for 12 months then sunset it.

  • CodeWizardCodeWizard Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 1,143

    Can't wait to share what we've been working on, folks. :) We're starting some limited alpha testing with a select group soon. Once that pans out we'll open it up to more folks. Can't wait!

  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273

    @CodeWizard said:
    Can't wait to share what we've been working on, folks. :) We're starting some limited alpha testing with a select group soon. Once that pans out we'll open it up to more folks. Can't wait!


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378
    edited October 2014

    @CodeWizard said:
    Can't wait to share what we've been working on, folks. :) We're starting some limited alpha testing with a select group soon. Once that pans out we'll open it up to more folks. Can't wait!

    Who do I bribe to be in that select group? I'm told my bribes are excellent.

    (Sales pitch: I spend at least 6-8 hours a day using GS, contributed dozens of templates and demos to the community, reported lots of bugs across numerous versions of the creator and have been on the forums longer than pretty much anyone, and have previous experience testing software. And I don't cause a fuss every now and then. Honest. :| )

  • iamcarteziamcartez Houston, TexasMember Posts: 648
    edited October 2014

    @CodeWizard said:
    Can't wait to share what we've been working on, folks. :) We're starting some limited alpha testing with a select group soon. Once that pans out we'll open it up to more folks. Can't wait!

    I'll drive to Austin to alpha test..
    I want to find some more food trucks to try! :)

  • ycanycan Member, PRO Posts: 207
    edited October 2014

    Selected group ? It sounds like

    Come on, give it to me !

  • clee2005clee2005 http://Donkeysoft.caMember, PRO Posts: 194

    @Socks said:
    Forget that, let's catch the bird ourselves and waterboard it, find out what it knows.


    The new Creator sounds awesome... Looking forward to all that it brings!

  • clee2005clee2005 http://Donkeysoft.caMember, PRO Posts: 194

    On another note, since it looks like the Yosemite GS slowness issues are going to stay for awhile, until either Apple patches or GS adjusts (which has been stated won't be for awhile)... can I ask for any details from people that are running Yosemite and GS and are NOT experiencing issues? I know this is the case for the GS QA team as they passed it, and I've only seen a handful of people mention that they are having slowness with GS and Yosemite as well.

    So, for those that it's working fine under Yosemite :

    1) Did you do a clean install?
    2) Was it ever slow and did you do something that made it go away.

    I have 2 machines that are 16gigs and 8gigs of ram and that both ran quick under Mavericks. Upgraded both to Yosemite and both are sluggish, I reverted one back to Mavericks. I tried uninstalling GS entirely and reinstalling... no change.

    Any help appreciated!


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