Release Candidate 0.12.9 is available!
Release Candidate 0.12.9
- Fixed screen rotation not working on iOS 8 devices.
- Fixed Resolution Independence for iOS devices.
- Updated image loader to try multiple options and handle fallback cases.
Report Any Bugs
If you find bugs in the Release Candidate, let us know! We'll be watching the forums, support tickets and bug database for info on this. Once we're all happy with the state of the build then we'll make it stable.
Take a moment to review the "known issues" section of the release notes before reporting any bugs. No need to duplicate reports on what we already know, right?
Thanks for your help!
Go Get It!
See the release notes here:
Download the release candidate here:
Scroll down until you see "Release Candidates
No known issues, fantastic! Well that statement is a bit tongue in cheek
. Thanks for your efforts and I note you and others I assume are working very late. Cheers I am off to do some testing.
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Awesome! Can't wait for the new rendering system!
Great work guys!
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has this fixed the issue with consumable google IAPs not consuming correctly?
No Memory leaks then, No Google IAP problems, Bug data base empty.
It can only get "Beta"...
The new rendering system is not in this version, the 'updated image loader' refers to the new way asset resolution and resolution independence are handled.
Anyone using 0.12.x.x with Yosemite? Probably shouldn't upgrade, but I'm interested in the new Quicktime/iMovie upgrades for App Previews.
Our games
I believe @Armelline is using Yosemite. Maybe ask him.
Yes Yosemite is fine to use
Yes I upgraded for the app preview features and it really made it a lot easier, I recommend it
This is 12.9. 13 will have the rendering system. Simply implying that we're getting close is all, and that I can't wait to try it.
Works fine. Android too.
Thanks for your efforts guys!
So far the only Issue I have chart boost not appearing on my adhocs
but maybe its just because its not green lighted yet on chart boost side.
Will open a ticket if this is still the case in 2-3 days.
My Apps
This solved my custom loading image problem. Thank you very much!
Interstitial ads are still slow loading. Why don't it just fetch the ads in the beginning or the middle of a game and not after change scene?
Ah, I see, yes I'm looking forward to the new rendering system too, it'll be good to see what improvements have been made.
@jorkos I was using QuickTime to record my screen with OS Mavericks and it was still incredibly slow & choppy. Have you noticed a difference in screen capture performance since upgrading to Yosemite?
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No issues with 12.9 on Yosemite. Google Iaps and Android splash screen are still broken.
The issues GameSalad has with Yosemite in the early Developer Previews were fixed around DP4 or 5, with no update from GameSalad needed. I was running two partitions, one with Mavericks and one with Yosemite while things weren't working right, but abandoned my Mavericks partition around DP 6. Since then they've also made GameSalad officially compatible with Yosemite, so people should experience no known issues with Yosemite.
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Unfortunately this doesn't seem to apply to/fix the image loading issues I highlighted in the "Let's talk about image formats" thread.
Still, great to see a new version with so many fixes! Good work GameSalad team
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Thank you GS Team for all the hard work...
... okay Gang, let's go see if we can break it! >:)
Awesome! Thanks guys, for the update on Yosemite. Ima download it right now!
Our games
Hmmm, can't delete posts. :-)
Our games
Great work GS. Made my first Google IAP with this update
Don't know if it's 0.12.9 RC or Yosemite but I have had 2 crashes in a short period of time. Both happened while scrolling through my image library. I have probably over 150 to 200 images in there though. Also as I said in one of my threads since updating to Yosemite scrolling through code is painfully laggy and choppy even if there isn't much to scroll through. I am getting by but very slowly. Thanks for the new version and I look forward to another even better one. Good job guys!
Guessing I did something wrong when downloading the release. When I try to open a project made in 0.12.4 I got this message:
The document “MyGame5” could not be opened. This version of GameSalad supports version 0.20 and earlier game projects. This file is version 0.21.
What did I screw up? Heh...
you must have opened it in a newer version at some point, one of the RC's
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Funny about that. Sometimes I start a post, then go looking for something in another thread that I want to refer to and find the answer to the question. Because you can't delete posts, I just save it as a draft. But because you can edit them, when I want to comment in that thread again I go back to the draft, delete the content and reuse it!
Saves the embarrassment of posting a mistake or excuse. 
@jonmulcahy Yeah, but I get the error when I try to open it with 0.12.9 RC... The file still works fine in 0.12.4 (that was the one that was later pulled)
Is there any way I can get off this silly 0.12.4 (the table issues are messing me up)...?
There is a way to edit the version. Via xml. You'll have to batch find and replace
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If your 0.12.9 RC is slow on OS X Yosemite, remove and install again.
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@BlackCloakGS, the networking features are broken in RC 0.12.
Data gets received from the server and increases the table size accordingly, but does not populate the new values.
Have posted the bug:
This is a critical issue for running apps relying on this feature.