Black Screen
I'm working in an iPad game which size is 9216 x 768. When I run it in my mac computer work perfectly, but when I use the iOS viewer to try it in my iPad I see the screen black. I know is the big png graphic used in whole of the 9216 x 768, because when I removed that graphic I can see all the rest of the elements perfectly in the iPad. Are there some way to use big screens in gamesalad? Is just the iOS viewer the problem? I appreciate your help!
@rafaelmata I had the same problem. Go into every actor in your game and uncheck "preload art" and tell me how that works
Thanks @http_gamesalad. The problem is a big png graphic in my game. But now I got the solution. I need to cut my graphic in diferent parts, and them put together like a puzzle. Now is working perfectly. Thank you!
@rafaelmata no problem bro