Problem with gs arcade!!
game link:
I succesfully submitted the my first app to amazon and because i want to submit the app for the GOTM of october i pubblished the app also for the arcade butthat was the results a grey screen where i hear all the game sound: windows:
@dgackey @saladstraightshooter @forumninja @blackcloakgs is this a bug?
Amazon doesn't take long to approve apps lately. In a few hours you should be getting an approval email. As for the arcade, I'm not sure maybe submit a ticket.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I don't have problem with amazon i got this trouble only on gs arcade
Yea i understand, i meant you can submit your amazon app for GOTM since it should be approved and live fairly quick.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Ok i have misunderstood
can any moderator remove the game from the arcade please? @tatiang
I suspect what's happening is that you have some logic to adjust the camera for different screen sizes. But the logic isn't handling the case for arcade and perhaps setting the camera width or height to 0 or infinity or something like that. When the camera attributes are invalid, you'll get weird drawing, as you see here.
The screen size for arcade is not fixed; the width and height can be anything. So first I'd suggest disabling any camera logic and see if the game draws right (with letterboxing). If it does, than you can look closely at the camera logic and adjust it to work with overscan for any width and height.
Thanks i will turn off the resize control