notifications/calander/scrool wheel
Hi I was wondering if there was a way to send notifications via Facebook, game salad, ect. I was also wondering how to connect to the calendars or make one if possible. and how to make a scroll wheel like the clock time selection on i phones. if any help thanks.
Many questions scrunched up like this will not get you many answers to be honest @ohshoe
Facebook Notifactions are a no. The best you can do at present is link to a Facebbok page (if you are a pro member)
Push Notifactions are coming soon to Gamesalad..
Access to the calendar is a no. But you do have accress to device date and time so you could build your own calendar.
Scroll wheel for a calendar is a yes. I would start a new thread for this one though. There might even be a template out there with one in (I cant think of any but maybe another member could help point you there.)