Release Candidate 0.12.6 is available!



  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @PhilipCC said:
    So until GS tell us otherwise, I'm building using iPad 2048x1536.

    That what I'm doing too, the whole 3072 x 2304 thing made zero sense to me !

  • MarchiefMarchief Member, PRO Posts: 98

    Personally I think the new resolution stuff should be low priority, fixing Android should be priority, missing out on nearly 50% of the market is a major issue for me, everything works as is for the new iphones, apple made sure of that.

  • MarcMySaladMarcMySalad Member Posts: 158

    @PhilipCC said: So until GS tell us otherwise, I'm building using iPad 2048x1536.

    @Socks said:
    That what I'm doing too, the whole 3072 x 2304 thing made zero sense to me !

    Exactly. I too am building at 2048x1536 since that to me makes much more sense for universal builds that includes both ipad retina and iphone 6+.

    I am worried though that the GS team by saying that @3x images are used on Ipad Retina devices too. If they have found a way to use such images on devices that are running IOS6 and IOS7 then there is no need to worry but if not then they are basically assuming that every ipad retina device will be running IOS8 (@3x image loading is only available in IOS8). The vast majority of devices out there are not running IOS8.
    So, if IOS6 and IOS7 can't load @3x then the @2x images will be loaded instead which basically cuts the image quality in half. In that case what used to display at 2048x1536 will display as 1024x768 on ipad retina devices running for example IOS7.

    Hope that the GS team will give their input.

  • HopscotchHopscotch Member, PRO Posts: 2,782

    @MarcMySalad said:
    The vast majority of devices out there are not running IOS8.

    According to Apple the iOS8 adoption rate was already at 46% on the 21st of September. 49% for iOS7.

  • MarcMySaladMarcMySalad Member Posts: 158
    edited October 2014

    @Hopscotch said:
    According to Apple the iOS8 adoption rate was already at 46% on the 21st of September. 49% for iOS7.

    Which would equal a user base of 54% that are running an earlier version than IOS8. Some more may have updated but many will likely stay on IOS7 in order to maintain their JB (and there are millions of such users out there).

  • BigDaveBigDave Member Posts: 2,239
    edited October 2014

    i still think they should put priority to fix games freezing on android when you minimize them. Its kind of a bummer. Sometimes they have to reinstall the game after it froze once.
    I kind of see it as critical bug but maybe thats just me.

  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685

    @BigDave said:
    i still think they should put priority to fix games freezing on android when you minimize them. Its kind of a bummer. Sometimes they have to reinstall the game after it froze once.
    I kind of see it as critical bug but maybe thats just me.

    Have you submitted a bug Dave?

  • kplusonlinekplusonline Member Posts: 2

    nice update.Thanks

  • AcroxiaAcroxia Member, PRO Posts: 63

    My game service on playstore (published 0.12.6)
    But some people has delete table data when they hibernate.

  • MarchiefMarchief Member, PRO Posts: 98

    @gingagaming said:
    Have you submitted a bug Dave?

    They have known about it since 12.5

  • clee2005clee2005 http://Donkeysoft.caMember, PRO Posts: 194

    Has anyone been able to get Consumables working on Android with 0.12.6? I have non-consumables working as expected, but consumables in the same app act as non-consumables. That is, you can buy "Bombs" in this case, and it will charge appropriately, then subsequent purchases just give you more bombs... no charges or prompts of any sort.

    My Purchase Table is marked appropriately, ie. non-consumables, and Google Play is setup as unmanaged.

    I'm finding the testing with the new IAPs really confusing... if you mess something up, and the transaction is half baked, then coming back in the transaction is still pending, so it prompts for logins... argh.

  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685

    @clee2005 said:
    Has anyone been able to get Consumables working on Android with 0.12.6? I have non-consumables working as expected, but consumables in the same app act as non-consumables. That is, you can buy "Bombs" in this case, and it will charge appropriately, then subsequent purchases just give you more bombs... no charges or prompts of any sort.

    My Purchase Table is marked appropriately, ie. non-consumables, and Google Play is setup as unmanaged.

    I'm finding the testing with the new IAPs really confusing... if you mess something up, and the transaction is half baked, then coming back in the transaction is still pending, so it prompts for logins... argh.

    I think its something to do with the tables not working correctly on Android. I filed a bug report and after a week, GS deleted the bug I filed and now there is no trace of it. The cookbook is wrong with the process to. I've since come to the conclusion that they dont give a dam anymore. I spent 4 days testing the IAP process and narrowed it down to the point where if the app is exited after retrieving the store info, the IAP will never work again. Im just waiting for the tables to get fixed in the hope it solves the problem.

    I would however like to speak to ANYONE who has successfully published a game to Google with the the new IAP in who can prove this wrong. Im going to open a seperate thread for this request and see if it has been done by anybody successfully.

  • AlchimiaStudiosAlchimiaStudios Member Posts: 1,069

    Isn't the reason 12.7 is taking a while because of android?

    @BlackCloakGS said:

    I am glad I can provide links to the bugs now for known issue. We still have a hand full of android bugs we are still working on verifying.

    Follow us: Twitter - Website

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,375

    I'm still finding 0.12.6 painfully slow under Yosemite. It doesn't crash constantly any more, but it's noticeably slower.

  • MarchiefMarchief Member, PRO Posts: 98

    @Armelline said:
    I'm still finding 0.12.6 painfully slow under Yosemite. It doesn't crash constantly any more, but it's noticeably slower.

    Is that with the latest GM seed that went out this week? Haven't had chance to do any more Gamesalad stuff since it updated.

    I really hope they fix the Android table issues soon, been 2 weeks now, any update @Blackcloakgs?

  • MarchiefMarchief Member, PRO Posts: 98

  • HymloeHymloe Member Posts: 1,653

    My experiences of trying to get games published for Android using Game Salad are a complete shambles. The viewer doesn't even work properly last time I checked. You can't keep adding a build to the device, because it kept your previous "save data". There was no way to put a "blank" new build onto the device. Problems with Display Text being really slow. I've just given up trying. Which is a shame.

    Anyway, how are those memory issues looking? All fixed up now? Ready for me to work on my game again yet? :)

  • clee2005clee2005 http://Donkeysoft.caMember, PRO Posts: 194

    @Hymloe said:
    My experiences of trying to get games published for Android using Game Salad are a complete shambles. The viewer doesn't even work properly last time I checked. You can't keep adding a build to the device, because it kept your previous "save data". There was no way to put a "blank" new build onto the device. Problems with Display Text being really slow. I've just given up trying. Which is a shame.

    Anyway, how are those memory issues looking? All fixed up now? Ready for me to work on my game again yet? :)

    I've been publishing to Android with my apps and they have been working as expected. All except this latest build 0.12.x.x. I'm eagerly awaiting this fix as Android is stalled until a release is more stable.

  • MarchiefMarchief Member, PRO Posts: 98

    After appealing my rejection and explaining the behavior my app was accepted today. Published from 12.5, with the new in app purchases, chartboost and iads, ad identifier and all related check boxes ticked.

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390

    @Back2Code‌ Glad to hear that your 0.12.5 app was accepted. I'm sure you are pleased. It's encouraging to the rest of to hear of 0.12 builds with ads and IAPs getting through.

  • jonhuttojonhutto Member, PRO Posts: 72

    Is there a ETA on 0.12.7 ? @BlackcloakGS @stevej

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250

    We were hoping that we could release it Monday but we found a few bugs in the custom launch screen code. So we will try to release it Tuesday.

  • MarchiefMarchief Member, PRO Posts: 98

    @BlackCloakGS said:
    We were hoping that we could release it Monday but we found a few bugs in the custom launch screen code. So we will try to release it Tuesday.

    Does that mean the Android issues have been fixed?

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited October 2014

    @MarcMySalad said:
    Exactly. I too am building at 2048x1536 since that to me makes much more sense for universal builds that includes both ipad retina and iphone 6+.

    I am worried though that the GS team by saying that @3x images are used on Ipad Retina devices too. If they have found a way to use such images on devices that are running IOS6 and IOS7 then there is no need to worry but if not then they are basically assuming that every ipad retina device will be running IOS8 (@3x image loading is only available in IOS8). The vast majority of devices out there are not running IOS8. So, if IOS6 and IOS7 can't load @3x then the @2x images will be loaded instead which basically cuts the image quality in half. In that case what used to display at 2048x1536 will display as 1024x768 on ipad retina devices running for example IOS7.

    Hope that the GS team will give their input.>

    @BlackCloakGS said:

    We were hoping that we could release it Monday but we found a few bugs in the custom launch screen code. So we will try to release it Tuesday.

    @BlackCloakGS I think there's still a fair bit of confusion over the new resolution scheme, with concerns like MarcMySalad's (above) floating around, at this stage would it be possible to simply state what the resolutions for 3x, 2x and 1x are - and which devices will get which assets ?

    I know there has already been a discussion elsewhere, but it got pretty messy, with lots of ideas, numbers and schemes flying around and changing as the thread developed, with little sense of any conclusion having been reached.

  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610

    I have been quizzing GS over the last week about the new image system and have asked him to start a sticky thread so everyone can ask their questions and he can update the OP so there is one place we can all refer to or be referred to.

    Posted below is what he said. Before he sent it I asked him if I could post his reply and he didn't say either way so I hope I am doing the right thing here. I also asked him about the last paragraph but didn't really get the information I was looking for. Anyway hopefully they will start a thread and get it all cleared up.

    So here's how it will work.


    Make your images about 50% bigger than you want them to appear on an iPhone 6 (or about the same size you want them to appear on an iPad).


    If you check RI, then we will take the original image and rename it to @3x.


    @3x = original image (for iPhone 6 plus and iPad retina) @2x = 2/3 of original image (iPhone 6 - iPhone 4 and iPad non-retina) image = 1/3 of original image (iPhone 3 or lower)


    We only scale down, as scaling up would hurt image quality.


    You do not need to do any @3x or @2x images names. If you name your images @3x or @2x we'll just end up resizing in the same increments. So if you were to include an images named [email protected] we'd just do the following:


    image@[email protected] = 100% image@[email protected] = 66% [email protected] = 33% (and this image may get confused with another image if you have another image called image.png that we end up resizing to [email protected]).


    In other words, until we implement a new system, you should not try to do anything with the names of your images, just make them big enough to look good on the iPad 2 RI and the iPhone 6+.


    Once we do implement the work-a-round for custom image resizing. If we detect that you have ANY @3x images in your game project, then we will not do any resizing. We will just assume you've resized all of your images to match all 3 image sizes.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @colander said:
    Posted below is what he said.

    Thanks for sharing that, I don't know about you but for me all that was as clear as mud :) which only supports your idea that a thread dedicated to this issue would be very useful.

    The reply lost me at the first 'about'

    "Make your images about 50% bigger than you want them to appear on an iPhone 6 (or about the same size you want them to appear on an iPad)."

    No one wants 'about' or 'sorta', lol, we want numbers ! Someone must know what these terms (2x 3x) refer to in actual absolute pixel values, why can't they simply say, perhaps they are still sorting out the system themselves ?

    There are so many issues surrounding this, is the make-your-images-divisible-by-4 now redundant ? Worryingly, given the mathematical ratios involved, the commonly held myth that scaling down doesn't impact quality (whereas scaling up does) seems to be being alluded to as well ("We only scale down, as scaling up would hurt image quality").

    And @MarcMySalad‌'s point about only IOS8 devices being able to utilise 3x images seems to compound these issues further. If that's the case and assuming 3x refers to 2048 pixels (a guess on my part), then you create a nice clean line at 4 pixels wide in your GameSalad iPad Retina project that when played on a Retina iPad running iOS7 will be smeared across 2.6 pixels (of course there is no such thing as 0.6 of a pixel, just some pixel averaging we all know and hate as 'blurring')

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390
    edited October 2014

    As @Socks‌ says:

    "There are so many issues surrounding this..."

    This thread is titled "0.12.16 Release Candidate"

    But, there is so much other stuff going on (and all those issues about any 0.11 or 0.12 Release problems are important too), but we really need some clear, definitive guidelines about which GS Creator build to use, right now, while the GS Team sort out the problems.

    So many of us are treading water and becoming exhausted or frustrated.

    A dedicated thread for each issue is necessary... and someone needs to moderate them so they stay on topic.

    It is also imperative that the thread title should be clearly and obviously named.

    New people are starting new threads and asking questions that have been answered already or are under discussion right now in some epic threads.

    @ForumNinja‌ too.... all of the above, please help sort it out, thanks.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,375

    @PhilipCC said:
    need some clear, definitive guidelines about which GS Creator build to use, right now, while the GS Team sort out the problems.

    Agree completely. A lot of people did the auto-update to 1.12.14 and suddenly found themselves with projects that couldn't be opened in the older version, a version installed that isn't suitable for production, and a whole ton of uncertainty about the status of the RCs.

    Some real clarity about what the situation is would be great, and instructions on what users who updated to the pulled .14 build should do to downgrade and to get their projects to open again would seem outright mandatory.

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250

    Any one that needs help down grading can open a support ticket with us and we will be happy to help. Currently the stable build is If you need a feature that is only in 0.12 I would recommend using the latest 0.12 RC. We are woking as fast as we can to get out a new stable build. Thank you for your continued patience.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited October 2014

    @PhilipCC said:
    A dedicated thread for each issue is necessary..

    Agreed, like I say a thread dedicated to the resolution issue would be very useful.

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