Accelerate problem (help please)
Well I have this actor that I want to have downward gravity so I put an accelerate 270 at a speed of 100, but for some reason when the object collides with something else it like goes through it. I set bounciness friction and density all to 0. I did all that for all my actors in my game. Can someone please help me with this?
Did you add a collide rule to the actor and have it collide with those actors you want it too? If you have many actors you want it to collide with organize them under a tag and select collide with actor with tag and select that tag.
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@The_Gamesalad_Guru it collides with them but like it starts to go down when it does.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru I got it! Thanks so much you were right I didn't add a collide rule in my main actor