woo.....and indeed yay
just had a quck check using Majicrank.
Doodle Ski is number 100 OVERALL in the USA appstore.
Just thought I would share.
Live the dream guys
Will let you all know how that translates to sales once I know.
Doodle Ski is number 100 OVERALL in the USA appstore.
Just thought I would share.
Live the dream guys

Will let you all know how that translates to sales once I know.
This discussion has been closed.
Good luck!!!
currently number 97 in the USA overall.
pretty decent going for little old us really.
Mind me asking how you went about publicising it? Did you pay for ads? Review sites? Or is it partly luck and word of mouth?
Congratulations though, thats really impressive.
EDIT: Just checked on my iPhone and you were at #56... holy cow!
Congrats on your sales position and good luck also, Sparkyidr.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
We haven't done too much more than the usual.
I spent a good deal of time bigging it up on touch arcade before it came out, then did the usual forum spamming out once we released it.
We also paid for a little PR (press release and mail out)...but the main factor in getting the sales, from what we can figure out, was getting the itunes featured thing.
A combination of, simple game with a catchy/obvious title. Eye catching icon. LUCK.
My DoodleDestroy is ranked #55 on the USA app store (FREE)
CONGRATULATIONS. This is absolutely fantastic.
When I first saw your demo...I thought this game had a shot at some big numbers. Its a great concept and well executed.
Do keep us posted on download counts if you are willing...I (and perhaps others) are always curious what the download levels are for different positions in the Top100.
Have you seen a bump in sales on the rest of your app catalog with your new exposure?
@Synth.....no. Our other games/apps are doing their usual averages.
Unfortunately, if someone else makes claims, Apple doesn't really care if they're legit or not. I also had people file for and register trademarks for things in my app AFTER my app was successful, and then claimed trademark infringement. In the US, the first to market, not the first to trademark retains the rights.
I suppose should of taken care of things trademarks before selling apps, so I suppose I learned a lesson.
Anyways, I'm just as curious as anyone else here...how were the sales today?
Just using a similar art style.
Both created from the ground up with no cross usage of any GS "code". (other than a couple of things, like hi-score save etc)
I think if we had managed to climb up the usa overall chart a little more (we peaked at 94 I think) that may have helped keep sales up.
Just goes to show the importance of getting some kind of app store featured spot.
We got a N&N in the games section.
I can only assume getting a N&N on the main front page would cause a massive bump in sales.
We can't complain though. We had a great week/week and a half of sales, and it's totally spurred us on.
The update has been out for 3 days, and we already have a 40% uptake. Which I think is pretty good. (?)
Thread closed
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