Release Candidate 0.12.1 is available!
Release Candidate 0.12.1
- Yosemite and iOS 8 compatibility
- New iOS 8 In App Purchase behaviors
- Google Store In App Purchase compatibility
- New selection of GameSalad Templates on the Creator Dashboard
- New iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus game project resolutions for Creator
- Added file encryption for published apps
- RevMob and ChartBoost SDKs updated for iOS 8 and Android
- Fixed Mac App rejections from the App Store
- Removed blank fields on Viewer resolution picker
- Updated Help and Feedback buttons to point towards new URLs
Known Issues:
- Initial Interpolate behavior not occurring
- Android apps reset to beginning when device is hibernated
- Resolution independence is currently broken
Note :Google Android IAP has not been full tested. Please Google IAP signup for more info
Report Any Bugs
If you find bugs in the Release Candidate, let us know! We'll be watching the forums, support tickets and bug database for info on this. Once we're all happy with the state of the build then we'll make it stable.
Take a moment to review the "known issues" section of the release notes before reporting any bugs. No need to duplicate reports on what we already know, right?
Thanks for your help!
Go Get It!
See the release notes here:
Download the release candidate here:
Scroll down until you see "Release Candidates"
WARNING This build is really somewhere between a release candidate and a nightly. We wanted to make sure people had the time to edit their games for the new style of iOS In App Purchase. We are running into errors with decrypting some projects and we haven't fully tested Android publishing (mostly because of how long it takes to get into a testable state).
@BlackCloakGS Wow! This is fantastic. Great work GS Team.
A big thanks to @stevej for all his hard work on this release.
Also note that we are still working out some the encryption bugs. That cause some games to stop working after publishing.
Will try to resubmit my app right now to see if it works. Will announce the result.
My Gamesalad Games On App Store:
Greedy Chubby:
Also would not recommend submitting apps to Apple from this build.
Woohoo! Great work!
@BlackCloakGS -- also worth mentioning in fixes: calling a row by name works in expressions again! @GSAnimator @GardenSalad
Yeah, that's a lot of stuff in this release... great work!
Our games
Thanks for this! Great thing that we can start testing the IAPs.
Broken how? Will reimporting images upon stable release be ok? Or should we avoid importing images in this build?
From my understanding people should wait for the stable release of this build before they submit IAP Apps as that has all changed with iOS8. It also seems that old IAP Apps will likely have to be updated when it is available to continue working (this is not confirmed it seems).
We probably will all want to update all releases to encrypt our Apps anyway.
@Hopscotch it is always turned on when you generate the app in publishing
First 12.1 specific bug discovered! Importing tables from CSV is broken. Reporting it!
Report the bug in our public bug data base
Already done.
Just might be worth adding it as a warning into known issues for this version, as it does mess up currently working tables.
link to bug CSV table bug for easy access
Fantastic job guys! Google IAP, iOS 8 and Yosemite support, bug fixes and more... Amazing! Thanks for the quick turn-arounds, too!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Will app with chartboost made on older gamesalad version work on iOS8? Or a need to republish all my app with the new version of GameSalad.
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
@imGua you will need to republish with 0.12.x to get any updates intended for iOS8. I would start testing now. We've worked out most of the encryption issues in the binary, so any bugs you discover should be new and it will help us squash them more quickly. We should have another update to cover a few more bugs by tomorrow afternoon.
What will happen with the apps made for iOS7 on a device with iOS8? Chartboost ads will stop working? Or iOS8 user would not even be able to download apps made for iOS7? Can you share more details about this?
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
@imGua -- the ones up should continue to work as they did (not 100% sure with IAP), but new submissions (including updates), will be rejected by Apple.
Just updated to Amazon for Revmob SDK and used new IAP behaviors so will report back.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I'll be updating my phone to. iOS 8 today to test my legacy apps before commuting to updating them. I have a back catalog of 20 apps, it's always a pain when a new os comes out
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Glad you decided to ditch some of the 0.11.X stuff and go straight to 0.12, it just makes more sense. Great job on pushing this out. It's my first time publishing on Apple, so let the fun begin!!!
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if the customers decided not to upgrade to iOS8 would the games published here still work with their devices ? or should we have two versions? hopefully eventually every one will upgrade but transition especially from older devices may take a while
Good job guys! Good to see some new features and the encryption scenario sorted. Shame it doesn't sound like a submittable release, no harm in having a play though!
Thanks again.
Just passed amazon no problem using new iap
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
The new IAP system is supported by iOS7 and later. If you want your game to work on iOS6 or earlier as well, you'll need to have two versions of your game.
The good news is that Apple is very good at getting people to upgrade; most people do, compared to Android.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru Will you be making quick tutorials on the new IAP?
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
So to clarify, do we now have to restrict downloads to iOS 7 and above when 0.12 is released?
thanks to GS team for all the remarkable work they are doing.. and unofortunately i think there is may be another task to get the iphone6 apps up and running ..
are we going to need a loading screen customized to the iPhone6s dimensions ? I hope GS team will working on it to add it to the publishing page if that will be needed
Yes I will be doing a video about it.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS