What to do when sales go down?
My game Farm Showdown was getting 10-20 downloads the first couple of days, then went down to 5-7 and then even more down... I just updated the game but apparently it does not go back to the top of the new releases page when updating. What is the best move in this type of situation? I really don't know where or how to market it, and also could I just take my app out of the app store then re-submit it so it could go back to the top? Anyone tried this? Also did anyone get yesterdays sales report because I didnt for some reason...
Once they drop off the new release section, it's tough unless you either get featured, market the hell out of your game (in my experience, some really good marketing didn't do much for sales on one of my games)
It's really a matter of luck in getting featured, and having a really special app that just happens to be the trend right now.
It's tough to compete in an App store of over 200,000 apps.
I can say this much, that it never ceases to amaze me which apps do well, and which ones fail. But don't give up!
It takes a lot of work, perseverence, and a lot of apps to be able to make somewhat of an income in the app store, but keep trying, build yourself a library of games, and establish yourself as a name in the app store with a sea of apps
You can remove it from sale. Rename it with a new name and a new App ID, change all the graphics to reflect the new name. Then resubmit it.
Then you would have to wait again, and get approved again.
You cannot resubmit a game called Farm Showdown because that name is already taken (by you).
And all the people that bought the original game would have to re-buy the new game.
In the beginning of the App Store, new updates WOULD rise to the top of the new releases. But companies would simply take advantage of this and constantly release useless updates to remain at the top.
Apple changed this. New releases only appear in the new releases section when they are in fact, new releases.
I think this is for the better.
It allows you to compete a little more fairly against the other apps in the store based on the quality of your game.
True! It's not easy, once your app drops off the new release list, it's sionara to healthy sales!