what are the difference between the two version? i got a mac mini and a laptop with win 8 now i got to make a travel but i want to continue the my game with gs for windows, so, is possible export a mac project to windows project and vice-versa?
Well, a pretty major difference is that the user interface is different between the two.
Mac also has many features in Creator that Windows does not...yet.
You can take a project for Mac (as long as it doesn't contain any new features Windows is lacking) and transfer to Windows. You can do the same thing from Windows to Mac.
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Save yourself the headache and just use the mac.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@braydon_sfx so i can take my gsrc 11.1.7 project and directly edit it in windows version?
I believe it depends on if you used any of the new features contained within 0.11. That includes Loops, table to table expressions, new table functions, etc.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
there'is a releasenote of the feature of the 0.11 version @braydon_sfx ?
i find the release note @braydon_sfx