Gamesalad Coding and Programming HTML 5 Services
@squirrelgraphics said:
Hi Mates,Good Day! We also do Game Development Services!
Thanks and have a great day! squirrelgraphics
@squirrelgraphics said:
Hi Mates,Good Day! We also do Game Development Services!
Thanks and have a great day! squirrelgraphics
What is your website URL?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Hi Good Day!
We are currently working on our website.
For inquiries just message us
Are you working of HTML5 games or do you have some already in the bag?
Hi Good Day
We are working HTML5 upon request by our client.
Feel free to contact us
email:[email protected]
Hi Good Day @squirrelgraphics, I am sorry if I am being harsh here but there are a lot of issues here. One, you are offering services and you have NO proof of past work you have done before or what you are capable of let alone a website to show anything and you expect people to jump at "your services" when there are plenty of others that are reliable and have stuff to show. Also, you are NEW here having only posted 2 discussions and 7 posts. This is just BAD business all around and makes you look extremely bad and gives you a bad rep. First impressions are always what everyone remembers and if you don't hit the nail on the head with that then you have set yourself up for disaster. Myself and many others have seen this stuff happen way too often. I suggest understanding successful business models and what they did to make them successful. You have nothing to show that would want me to take my precious time and do work with you. I am sorry but you know what they say, "the truth hurts." Sometimes we need others to be blunt and honest with us to fully understand the issues at hand and how to fix them. I can keep going on and on but I hope you can see the issues here with this whole thing as well as your other post.
Lastly, to me it seems you are trying to sell services on the forums which I believe violates some of the forum rules. If this is the case then these threads need to be closed! Have a great day!
Hi Good Day,
Hi Mates,
Very Appreciated
The one i post on the other thread sorry but a post that's my fault
dont know how to delete my comments on thier. Also our website is on developing progress. If you look a good business then i make it a pattern to be successful like you
I admire your idea on how you run your business ...also sorry but i am not selling i am offering a services. IF you feel my post and my thread could be bother to you and to your businnes request to the moderator to delete my post. Your a PRO member! your the Boss!....Its ok to us 
Again we are new here meaning we are trying to build trust and foundation to serve and to satisfy our clients. About our portfolio we show it upon request by our client for now since our website in on progress.
Good Vibes! Happy Gaming
squirrel graphics
You are selling something. You are selling your services which are currently in doubt.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS