in Help Wanted
Hi there i have 2 question
as you can see in this first photo my second spawn will be located -100,100 on the Y relative of the last spawn
How can i make a spawner that spawns between the the top of a iphone landscape and the bottom unrelative to the last spawn.
Secondly: as you can see in this picture my spawn goes eventually off screen how can i block that?
btw i like this gamesalad!
I don't quite get what you are asking in the first question. For the second question use a "Constrain Attribute" action to constrain self.PositionY in between two points with the max() and min() functions like this for an iPhone max(min(320,self.PositionY),0).
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
position the spawner off stage and relative to the scene.
It should use the X location and the set the Y.
Relative could have a Y range from top to bottom of scene