Soundtrack and Sound Design for Game developers

Dear Game Developers

Im a Soundtrack Composer and Sound Designer willing to work and collaborate and be a part of game creation process in sound and music domain.
Practical examples and recommendations will work better to understand who i am and what i do
I have already worked with some companies which you can see in y linkedin profile i attached here:

Here You can also see a recommendations from the people i worked with and skills i have and was endorsed.

Also here are some examples of my recent Music i was composing for different games:

If you re interested to have me by your side or just want me to provide you with some more information don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail:
[email protected]

Or skype:

Hope to hear from you soon

ps. This is the thing i love to do and im absolutely passionate with it so any conditions can be discussed even if the project has no budget i would work on it with the same pleasure and passion


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