Copyrights for games
Hey everyone I'm new to this whole GS thing, I have a question if i purchase a template and a cartoon of the marketplace do i have the rights to publish it to the app store/ Google play even if i don't own them ?
Hey everyone I'm new to this whole GS thing, I have a question if i purchase a template and a cartoon of the marketplace do i have the rights to publish it to the app store/ Google play even if i don't own them ?
In a nut shell yes. Most templates in the market place (if not all) give you the rights to publish to the App Store. If any art is not included. It's normally stated and watermarked.
I'd say for both templates and artwork it was a grey area as often a template might be infringing on someone else's IP (in the case of clone templates), so it's best to deal with these things on a case by case basis.
For example, you might buy a perfect replica of Flappy Bird, with all the artwork, and the template maker might say you are free to do as you want with it (from their point of view), but the maker of Flappy Bird would probably be less accommodating and take action against you (usually a cease and dissent / removal from the App Store).
But generally speaking if the template you've bought is not obviously copying someone else's IP then you can pretty much do what you want with it, unless the seller states otherwise.