Lets put my ideas and your hands of work to make a business (GAME DESINGER/Partner)

AMstudioAMstudio Member Posts: 9

Hello Everyone in the Community,

If you know you have what it takes to make anything happen, if you are a good programmer, game designer, and all out investor of time to make something big. Email me privately to make it happen. Any skill you have, even amuter skill, I will appreciate anything.

I will put my entrepreneurship and you put your design and we will make something happen.
I have about 10 great ideas and need expert or someone who knows they can make it, and we will process it and make it happen with partnership.

There are people who have the idea and those are who make the idea actually happen.
I need someone who will make the idea come to life. This is a great way to invest a side of your time to make something big without any lose, only time and you get a partnership if something actually comes big at the end.

If you can do it with me with the plans I have please email me at:
[email protected]

Give me some info about yourself and your gamesalad link to username, Tell me what you can offer if the ideas are set and you deliver. Anyone can make it big, but a team is more stronger and one person and that is when you come in.
Everyone is welcome to email. You dont need to be a part of gamesalad and if you are even better.

Thank you


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