Any way to have a URL that opens the Facebook App, not in the browser?
Hey guys,
I have a fanpage and I would like anyone who presses the facebook button on my app to get them to my fanpage through their installed facebook app. Is this possible? If not what is the best way to get them to share my app?
(using a pc and android)
If you mean have a command that tells the actuall FB app to open up...... I dont think GS is able to do that. I think you would have to have xcode access to the rendered file and rework some code. But I could be wrong. I dont think you are the first to want this ability.
I believe there is a special url for that but I am not sure if it still works.
Found them.but I didn't test them so am not sure if they work.
fb://profile – Open Facebook app to the user’s profile
fb://friends – Open Facebook app to the friends list
fb://notifications – Open Facebook app to the notifications list (NOTE: there appears to be a bug with this URL. The Notifications page opens. However, it’s not possible to navigate to anywhere else in the Facebook app)
fb://feed – Open Facebook app to the News Feed
fb://events – Open Facebook app to the Events page
fb://requests – Open Facebook app to the Requests list
fb://notes – Open Facebook app to the Notes page
fb://albums – Open Facebook app to Photo Albums list
Lump Apps and My Assets
they only have 3 url prefixes in the dropdown:
i thnik if they added fb:// it would work. maybe it'll be coming with the facebook integration? @stevej, any thoughts on this?
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I beat you by a minute @jonmulcahy
Lump Apps and My Assets
It didn't seem to work. Could you please give me an example of a working link so I can see how to assemble it?
I used this for a previous app.
First find your numeric Facebook profile number:
Then put that number in this link:
(no quotes)
Then go to a URL shortener site:
Put that fB link and create a shortened link.
Put that new shortened link in 'open URL behavior' in Game Salad.
See it used here in my free Medical app. It works fine for me.
props to @SoldierBulls for the info.
@jonmulcahy our facebook integration use the OS however you can suggest adding fb:// to the openurl in our public bug data base.
@jonhutto Can you help me with your suggestion? I've been trying to implement the same thing but I can't find a URL shortener site that recognises fb://
I'm trying to create a shortened url for this:
I've tested the link on my phone and it works, so just need to convert it to http:// !
Actually, I think there is another way. (maybe I am wrong)
1/ Create a web page which redirect to "fb://profile"
2/ Put the url of this page in your GS game.
When player press your fb button it opens safari which launch FB.