Actor Follow a table path
Hoping someone can help me with this. Been trying to get this to work for awhile, no tutorials seem to solve my problem.
I want to record some points in a table and then have an actor move to each one of these points.
Here is my exact process:
- Actor starts at an x position of 50.
- Made a 1x2 table call Path. (Column 1 = x value (Real type), Column 2 = y value (Real type))
- Set a self.index attribute to 1.
- Make a timer that goes off every 0s. (Everything below is in this timer).
- Change table value of column (1 & 2) at self.index to the self.index value.
- Interpolate self.position.x to table cell value (Path, self.index, 1)
- Interpolate self.position.y to table cell value (Path, self.index, 2)
- Increment self.index by 1.
- Add a new row to the end of the table.
My debugger isn't working, and all that happens is my actor just goes to the left to an x-value of 0..
Anyone have a suggestion?