GS Publisher not asking me to select a provisioning profile.
Hello, when I click publish from gamesalad it opens up my web browser and goes to the gamesalad publishing page where you put in various info about your game and then generate the app. However in the video and article tutorials it shows a step where gamesalad asks you to choose a provisioning profile and I am not finding this step anywhere when I go through the process. I know some things have changed since those videos were published but I've scrounged around still cant find it.
I have a provisioning distribution profile set up and can see it in xcode. On Gamesalads publishing page, the button "sign app" is greyed out and when i hover over it it just says to open gamesalad creator. Anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
After it finishes generation on the server side that button will no longer be grey and you can proceed to download and sign the app via gamesalad (Will open automatically).
Thanks for the reply. I tried again have waited about 30 minutes after clicking the generate button and all three buttons are still greyed out (one says generating, the second says sign app, third says download). However when I scroll to the bottom and click the generated app history button it shows the app with a download link. Ive tried downloading that and using it before but i always get an error from the application loader reading "no .app bundle found in the package". I've determined this is because I never signed it. Is it normal for the generating process to take 30min+? I'm sure it depends on the size of the app, but mine is average sized at most.
For a larger game,30 mins is not uncommon. Speeds also vary day to day. A small game can take just a couple minutes though. Are you heading to the device specific tab and generating/trying to sign from there?
I am using IOS universal. Should I be using the iphone only option instead? When making the app on itunes connect they asked for screenshots in iphone, 4in iphone, and ipas and so I figured IOS universal was the best option
@Fiber No that should be fine, I would try contacting GS support, maybe they can see what's happening server side.
Alright, thank you for taking the time to help!
Anyone waiting 30 minutes for a game to generate is just spinning wheels. Once it's uploaded the game is generated very quickly. Just refresh your safari page...go back to universal and you should see its ready to sign.
Watch my (up to date tutorial)
Hope it helps.
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Not if your game is 500mb+
Your right. Have you made an app with GS with 500+mb? I see FIFA is 1.15gigs... I'm only trying to help him understand you don't have to wait. I would truly be interested in see someone provide a link to a 500mb GS game. 250...100 I can believe. Of course I only see the games people post. Look at games DBA has available...the market place.
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All you need to do is refresh the page after a few minutes or every few minutes until you see the finished message.
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Updating in case someone else with a similar issue comes across this page. The browser didn't update automatically, by going back to these forums from the publishing page then back to the app in my portfolio it showed the app ready to sign.