What does GS mean by 'Bundle ID must have more than 1 level'?
Trying to get my .app to then go through the application loader, but when entering the information on gamesalad's 'create new game' page, I put in my Bundle ID but it tells me that my ID must have more than 1 level. When I add a dot followed by some letters it works (Bundle ID: blah.abc), but without (Bundle ID: blah) it does not. The problem is that my app's bundle ID does not have any dot in it and Apple doesn't let you change it. How can I get GS to send me the zipped .app when it won't let me generate one without a bundle ID with a dot-something?
Your bundle ID must be structured like this com.mydomainname.appname just make a new app ID on Apple with that structure.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Thanks, I made a new app ID but the I don't know how to change my app in itunesconnect to it. The app I have made in ItunesConnect is still in "waiting for upload", and I see no option to change the BundleID of the App ID. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
Go in and reject that binary. You should be able to change the app ID then. Then resubmit.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Once again, thank you for the response. The status of my app is currently "waiting for upload", and I can't submit my app via Application Loader because Gamesalad is demanding my Bundle ID contain periods or else it won't allow me to publish and get the zip file. But if I do give gamesalad the format it wants, then it won't match my app's bundle ID on ItunesConnect and I won't be able to upload my app. So I don't think I have the option to reject the binary because nothings been uploaded yet to reject.
So I figured since apply won't let me change my app's bundle ID, and gamesalad won't let use a bundle ID that isn't a certain format, that I would just start over by deleting my app in ItunesConnect and making a new one with a Bundle ID that gamesalad will accept. The problem there is that Apple won't let me delete my app in the "waiting for upload stage", and there appears to be no way to get out of that stage without uploading the files, which of course I can't do without matching Bundle IDs. So THEN I tried just creating a new app Id which would allow me to create a second app and I would just start from scratch there. However I can't do that because the name of the game is already being used on the first app and they won't let me use it again.
I don't understand why apple allows me to make the bundleID just words, but then gamesalad won't let me use that ID unless it's com.whatever.whatever.
I know this is a weird situation, but I really do appreciate the help. This is my first app and it's disheartening to have gotten this far only to get stuck in the uploading process.
You may have to start again. This is why it is important to read all the instructions before moving forward. You should always have your binary ready and tested before completing iTunes stuff. You can add a period to the name or adjust the name. The only other option is to contact apple developer support.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Hm, I really hope that isn't the case, this is such a petty mixup and it seems shocking that it is leaving my app in permanent limbo.
Do you happen to know the reason why Gamesalad demands a particular Bundle ID format whereas Apple does not (at least not in the same way gamesalad does)? If the format requirement was lifted from the BundleID entry field in GS would that change anything? As an experiment I tried using "exam.ple" as opposed to "com.exam.ple" and it worked, which leads me to believe that this may be an unnecessary requirement. Again, I'm not sure but figured it's worth bringing up.
I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that a single period has put this whole project on hold and is forcing me to abandon my app's original name.
Other platforms require this so it forces people to do this for all. Apple used to require it this way but lifted that a bit ago. It is the most common and best way to build appIDs
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Oh, I thought it was just an arbitrary way to identify your apps which is why I was confused to see a required format.
Also, thank you very much for taking the time to assist me!