I am confused do you need Eclipse to make apk file or is it one click publishing gamesalad?
Ok I did an internet search and one result was you needed Eclispe and android developer tools to make an apk file. Another tutorial I found on google search has it where gamesalad just needs you to type in some info like app version, package name,etc and it makes the apk without hassle. Which way is it done now?
Also I am on windows does android export work on windows?
You need a android developers license which is 25 dollars, and the all the tools you need are on the same page. http://developer.android.com/index.html there is also a very helpful video that i followed, dont have the link but just search gamesalad android publishing, it comes right up. Sorry responsing from my cell phone so i dont have the actual link
Ok I found the page here https://help.gamesalad.com/hc/en-us/articles/202036503-6-8-Windows-Creator-publishing-walkthrough
It says you just fill out some forms and it makes the apk for you. But then in other places it says you need eclipse I just can't find the place. If its one click publishing then I will definitely buy gamesalad but if you have to use eclipse then I can't get it.
You need to be a pro GS user to publish to android.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Did you read the question? No duh you have to be a pro user. Go troll someone else I have no time for games, your answer is like a bad salad haha.
I am asking if you need to use eclipse to export the apk or does gamesalad make the apk for you via their server. I have googled it and it shows 2 different ways I just want to know whats the current method.
Many new members who come here don't realize they need pro to publish to android. And to answer your question. You don't need anything but the Android SDK installed on your computer and create a signing key and the GS publishing system does the rest. I have complete videos on my site. Lastly I am not a troll. I have been helping people and producing tutorials on these forums for four years.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@PixelPower12, that was a very uncool thing to say to anyone here that is trying to help, especially @The_Gamesalad_Guru as he has help a ton of noobs like you!
Very uncool!!!
It was a long time ago that I did this but I did install Eclipse and it still is so I must have used it.