Couple questions regarding publishing my game
Hello I just had a few questions I was curious about.
- To get my game on the google playstore do I have to make the $25 fee and register at google play?
- Will I be able to publish my app that I made on PC on the apple app store?
- Does GS handle the uploading of the apk to google/apple?
Best Answer
3DMA Posts: 162
Hello. To your questions:
1.: Yes, you will need to sign up as google Developer for $25. If you plan to develop/publish on Apple App Store, you will also need to sign up there (around $90 if i remember correctly.2.: If you use Windows but want to publish to Apple, you will need to use online solutions like "Mac in the cloud" as @Thunder_Child mentioned.
3.: Gamesalad does everything for you BUT submitting to the respective Stores.
You can find a lot of helpful info if you check out the "Cook Book" and other Tutorials that handle exact this Stuff.
Have fun and good luck ;-)
Question 2. Answer....
With a PC you will need to use an online Mac emulator.....I don't know how much it costs.
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