Paying $5 to help me fix a problem in my game

justinodunnjustinodunn Member, PRO Posts: 226

I'd pay $5 if anyone could help me fix a problem in which 2 actors spawn too close to each other, so the user is impossible to escape out of that scenario. If interested, please add me on skype at tehnoobish123

more details will be told there

Thanks :)


  • justinodunnjustinodunn Member, PRO Posts: 226


  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598

    Hi @justinodunn Not sure anyone is going to do that.... most people are busy, busy....

    But hey, this is the GSC Forums, where you take your time to post a thread explaining your problem, some other members decide they can/want to help + you save $5.

    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain

  • allc1865allc1865 Member, PRO Posts: 777
    edited July 2014

    Yep - Like what gyroscope said.
    Post your game file or further explain your problem and I can help or maybe someone else could! :) ;)

  • justinodunnjustinodunn Member, PRO Posts: 226

    Haha alright, well I'm not gonna post my file out to the public but i'll explain it :disagree:

    here is my game

    User has to jump up or down to dodge obstacles.

    I have random spawners that spawn those obstacles, and sometimes since there are 2 spawners to the left and 1 spawner to the right (obstacle moving to left and obstacle moving to right), sometimes they come to a point in which it is impossible for the user to jump up or down to escape without hitting those obstacles, therefore losing the game. Is there any way I could make it so this doesn't happen? aka how can I make the game's dynamics more better and reliable?

  • allc1865allc1865 Member, PRO Posts: 777

    Do you have any timers controlling your spawners? That may help if I'm understanding your problem right.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,375

    So you mean sometimes it is the case that on the current platform, the platform above, and the platform below there are obstacles all in line, meaning he has no option for anywhere to jump (and can't stay where he is)?

    How are the spawners currently set up? Are they running on a timer, a random timer, something more complex?

  • justinodunnjustinodunn Member, PRO Posts: 226

    Yes one on the left has a timer of random 1/2 seconds, the other one to the left has a random timer of 2/4, and the one to the right has a timer of 1 second

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,375

    So if we dismiss the right hand spawner as it's spawning every second, the problem occurs when the two left spawners both spawn at 2 seconds? Perhaps something as simple as making it 1/2.5s or 2.5/4s?

  • justinodunnjustinodunn Member, PRO Posts: 226

    I don't know, sorry I already tried using another way and updated my game on Google Play, let's see how my method goes. I just slowed down the speed of the obstacles and extended the time of the 2nd left spawner to random 9 or 18 seconds

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,375

    @justinodunn said:
    I don't know, sorry I already tried using another way and updated my game on Google Play, let's see how my method goes. I just slowed down the speed of the obstacles and extended the time of the 2nd left spawner to random 9 or 18 seconds

    Essentially the same thing I suggested :D Assuming I'm not totally misunderstanding it should work fine! Good luck with the game!

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881


    Isn't this current thread a continuation of this one:

    I don't see a lot of difference in what you are asking between now and then.

    In that thread I outlined a mechanic that would would work for you. (And gave a demo.) Have your requirements changed? The only change I can discern is to have the boxes moving the opposite direction.

    If the only change is the need for boxes to go in the opposite direction, the demo I gave can be quickly modified to do that.

    Tinker... Tinker....

    OK...... Here is a demo that shows how to get the boxes moving with the following requirements:
    1) Random box placement in lanes
    2) Random box placement on sides (left or right)
    3) Boxes won't overlap in middle
    4) Adjacent boxes wont reach the middle at the same time.

    Is this getting closer to what you are looking for?

  • justinodunnjustinodunn Member, PRO Posts: 226

    Hi, sorry I just wanted it to spawn at random times. Can you explain more to me about the self current position thing? Does it have to be at a set time or could it work at random times?

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881


    The boxes do spawn at random times. (The timer is fixed, but the spawning of any box at any place is completely random.)

  • justinodunnjustinodunn Member, PRO Posts: 226

    i see, so with this method the character won't ever get trapped?

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881

    @justinodunn said:
    i see, so with this method the character won't ever get trapped?

    Correct! Why don't you run it for 10 or 20 minutes and watch to see if there is any instance when the hero would be unfairly trapped. (Users can make a wrong move and trap themselves though.)

    To thoroughly test it, you could always create a hero character and have it jump up and down the lanes.

    Test it! It will work!

  • justinodunnjustinodunn Member, PRO Posts: 226

    Sure! Maybe i'll implement system this in my future updates. For the time being, if you don't mind could you please take a look at my game right now? and tell me what you think about the current system? I want to see if it's really necessary to make changes. Thanks :)

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881

    @justinodunn said:
    Sure! Maybe i'll implement system this in my future updates. For the time being, if you don't mind could you please take a look at my game right now? and tell me what you think about the current system? I want to see if it's really necessary to make changes. Thanks :)

    Fair enough.

    I played it for a few minutes. For the most part I would say that about one quarter of the times I lost were due to being "trapped". But most of the time it was simply coordination issues that allowed me to get a high score of only 30. (I am too old to play these fast-twitch games.)

    I don't really think its all that bad the way it is. People come to expect that some games are lost even when its not their fault. Its just random luck. However, if it keeps you up at night just knowing that your game-play is "flawed" (in your mind), then by all means fix it!

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