Application loader- Application failed codesign verification.
Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, contains disallowed entitlements, or it was not signed with an iPhone Distribution Certificate.
What does this mean? Does it have to do with My distribution certificate? what do I need to do?
Thanks guys
May I suggest taking an hour or so to watch my series of tutorials and follow them exactly. These are updated tutorials. I hope they help you.
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First you probably have iCloud on in the provisioning app ID turn it off. Second you need to generate a distribution provisioning profile not a developer profile that is used for testing.
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Generate a CSR from Key access on your mac, then create certificate from your Apple dev center. Generate one distribution cert and developer cert (just one of each will do)
you need this for your either distribution or developer provisioning profile.
God bless you @Thunder_Child! Thank you so much! These are just what I needed! Thanks again!
Glad it helped
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