App naming
So I've got a name for my game, however although there are no other apps with the same, or similar name, there is an e-book with the exact same name that I was looking at doing. Does anyone know if any issues can occur from this?
So I've got a name for my game, however although there are no other apps with the same, or similar name, there is an e-book with the exact same name that I was looking at doing. Does anyone know if any issues can occur from this?
Hi @z3422393 An ebook the same name only possibly wouldn't stop your app from going through with your app name (not totally sure there) but personally it'd bug me that there's the same name even if the ebook has a theme, etc totally different from the app.
Edit: been thinking on about this: I know what it's like if you have made up an app title and then you check and it's already been used - I've been there a couple of times - and its annoying/bugging, I know, especially if you think the title is just right...
An idea: perhaps take a key word from the title of this ebook (lots of variations on the one theme to be seen everywhere on the iTunes store) if you like.
But if you really can't "live without" your name that's the same as the ebook title, I guess its not much effort to try it in iTunes Connect to see if it goes through....
Hope my random thoughts have helped a bit - Best of luck anyhow.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain