hey guy i want a honest answer is windows version worth the time to learn?
i been here for almost 1 year just looking from the out side, and now i m taking some courses, i m feeling good with the progress, but i feel like the windows version, is really far away from the mac version (or not?). so my question is what is the real future on the windows version, and why is so slow the progress with gamesalad development on this version. i find the windows version full of bugs, and uneatable. and i dont know if gamesalad have this version as a priority. i never work with mac version. so please some one to explain to me all the difference on the progress and if is better jus get a mac and forget this version. thanks
The windows version is pretty far behind the Mac version, but they are creating a Cross-Platform creator to hopefully equalize them. Personally I would go with the Mac version of the creator because of the ease of use and the advancement, but the windows version is perfectly capable of creating a game.
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Hi Daniel, remember whether it's gamesalad on Mac or windows both have same logic.. So if you learn gamesalad on windows you can easily export or work on Mac version only difference is that Mac is better, has few more functions, is stable and you can test with iOS device.
The GUI is little different but you can easily work if you know windows creator because both are same. You can also export your windows project to Mac project but not vice versa. Also night build is also under works through which you can adhoc your project directly on iOS device.
Basically if you cannot afford Mac , I suggest work on windows creator, once you feel u are comfortable go ahead with Mac version..
Current Projects I am working on: Stupid Duck, Zango's Shark Adventure, AoD: Age of Dragons, Rocket Jump: The Pixel Invaders
Facebook: https://facebook.com/reflectivebytegamestudios
Web: reflectivebyte.com
New functions on Mac include while and for loop which is not available on windows but you can create all rules with if function.
Current Projects I am working on: Stupid Duck, Zango's Shark Adventure, AoD: Age of Dragons, Rocket Jump: The Pixel Invaders
Facebook: https://facebook.com/reflectivebytegamestudios
Web: reflectivebyte.com
My problem with the Windows version is just that dragging things around (which is the core interface of GS) is so laggy and difficult to use. I watch tutorials of people on Macs and the program just seems smooth and problem free. Plus I've been noticing a lot of bugs where I have to close the program and restart it... it sucks not knowing if the bug you're experiencing is your code or GameSalad itself.
Plus, as a Windows user, the interface is so unintuitive... I guess it's probably more natural to people used to working on a Mac, but the whole look and feel of GameSalad is weird to me.