actors piling up upon each other inside the screen once gameover. also game over screen issue
I have been creating a game similar to the characteristics of piano tiles, once the player fails i.e the actor hits the bottom of the ground i want the touching abilities to be disabled i.e the actors cannot be touched once the game is failed. then i want the rest of the randomly spawned actors to continue falling and to then start piling up inside the screen from the bottom. I want this to be happening behind the game over screen that has appeared once the original actor has hit the bottom the game over screen is smaller than the screen of the device so it is a similar game over display to 'flappy birds' how the game over screen is smaller and you can still the actual game behind it. Can anyone help me?
A good start would be to wrap all the rules you want to shut off in conditionals with a global Boolean called something like GameOver, so that when you lose, it gets triggered to True, and all the rules you want off go off. The rest im less sure of....
ok ive tried that but it doesnt work, anyway ive changed my mind after the falling actor hits the ground i want touch to be disabled until either the home screen or restart button is pushed, how can i do this? Do you know? @Tosanu