Personally, I'm a Nintendo geek, so I am usually up-to-date on this kind of stuff, especially when it comes to a new Super Smash Bros. or Legend of Zelda game. In my opinion, this Smash Bros. is the best I've seen! I can't wait for it to come out. And if you're not aware of this, it will be released in NA on October 3rd!
@natzuur It does look great. So does the upcoming Zelda for Wii U. I don't have a Wii U, but if I could afford one, I would get one just for these two games (and Hyrule Warriors). The Legend of Zelda series is my favorite video game series, so I'm all over any new Zelda game that comes out. I still would like to get A Link Between Worlds for the 3DS, but I'm low on money at the time. I'm saving up for Super Smash Bros. 3DS. I've watched a lot of GameXplain videos on Youtube on this game and I think that the handheld version is great! When I first heard that SSB was going to a handheld, I didn't expect it to be a good idea because it just doesn't really fit with the series' gameplay over the years. For the whole time, it's never been a handheld, so with the touch screen, I didn't think it would fit. I'm still not exactly sure how well the gameplay mechanics of it on the 3DS would be, but I really like the Smash Run minigame. I've been wondering when they were going to add Rosalina and Luma to the series, so I'm glad they've brought her in. The same goes for Palatuna.
Personally, I'm a Nintendo geek, so I am usually up-to-date on this kind of stuff, especially when it comes to a new Super Smash Bros. or Legend of Zelda game. In my opinion, this Smash Bros. is the best I've seen! I can't wait for it to come out. And if you're not aware of this, it will be released in NA on October 3rd!
Big Nintendo fans but we didn't enjoy smash even though we own it on N64 and Wii.
Personally I'd love a GameCube style Monkey Ball for Wii U
It looks amazing, I haven't bought a console in a while, but I might have to get a wiiu for this and zelda.
@natzuur It does look great. So does the upcoming Zelda for Wii U. I don't have a Wii U, but if I could afford one, I would get one just for these two games (and Hyrule Warriors). The Legend of Zelda series is my favorite video game series, so I'm all over any new Zelda game that comes out. I still would like to get A Link Between Worlds for the 3DS, but I'm low on money at the time. I'm saving up for Super Smash Bros. 3DS. I've watched a lot of GameXplain videos on Youtube on this game and I think that the handheld version is great! When I first heard that SSB was going to a handheld, I didn't expect it to be a good idea because it just doesn't really fit with the series' gameplay over the years. For the whole time, it's never been a handheld, so with the touch screen, I didn't think it would fit. I'm still not exactly sure how well the gameplay mechanics of it on the 3DS would be, but I really like the Smash Run minigame. I've been wondering when they were going to add Rosalina and Luma to the series, so I'm glad they've brought her in. The same goes for Palatuna.
What did you not like about Smash Bros.? And what's Monkey Ball?