Confused about image size and Retina display
I know there has been a lot of threads about this, but many of them have different answers and are quite confusing. So I just want to make sure I get this right :
- If I want to publish on the iphone, I need to pick Iphone landscape/portrait (there is no legacy Iphone on Windows version).
Then, to make sure it will work on the Iphone 5 with R.D. :
- Make the display size 960 by 640
Make the camera size 960 by 640
Make every actor twice their regular size as they will appear in screen, BUT keep them at this size in the creator (64/64 will become 32/32 when published.
Everything will fit itself when publishing.
Is that right or am I lost in the wrong direction?
EDIT : another question/issue. Does anyone have problems when importing png created with Adobe illustrator. Even if my images are 64 by 100 they become 63 by 99 in Gamesalad. I don't have this problem with Photoshop.
Hi Hello,
Not entirely, there is no need to make the scene size and camera size 960x640. The images you import into GameSalad need to be twice the size of what is used. (960x640 image will be used for an actor that is 480x320). However you need to make sure resolution independence is ticked.GS will automatically rescale the images back down to half of its size for you when using them in the creator.
I am not sure how the windows creator works, so I am not 100% sure but that's how I have done it on the Mac creator.
That's the problem, my png file is 64x100 and resolution independence is checked, but when I upload it, it is still at 64x100, therefore making it too big for what I need. Changing the size in the creator blurs the image.
I'm starting to think I might be better to make 8-bit graphics as it will be much easier to keep "pixel quality" constancy...
If you have uploaded it before you checked resolution independence it won't resize itself. Have tried deleting the image from you gallery and importing it again? Also make sure the image is 72 pi.
Resolution independence is checked before the project is created under Windows. Image is 72 dpi. Tried with some basic squares and they don't resize.
I also tried on Ipad but it doesn't change anything.
What I get from other's experience on the forum is that the Windows version doesn't resize automatically when importing images and it has to be done manually. However, if I resize an 64x64 image to 32x32, it looks kinda blurry in the creator.
There is no need to change either the camera size or the 'display size' (whatever that is ?).
Not too sure what you mean here, make actors the size you want them to be ! If you want your score actor to be a nice little neat 100 x 80 pixels tucked away in the upper righthand corner then make your score actor 100 x 80 pixels . . . . if you want a cloud floating by to occupy half the height of your game then make it occupy half the height of your game . . .
Again, I am a little confused by what you are saying, a 64 pixel by 64 pixel actor in GameSalad should contain (for Retina screens) a 128 x 128 pixel image . . . when published your actor will stay the same relative size (to the overall game) but contain a higher resolution image . . . . the actor (or the image) won't become 32 x 32 pixels.
Don't know what that means, sounds very metaphysical.
What is their resolution set to ?
What resolution are your images set to ?
If they are coming in too big, just make a 32 x 50 pixel actor and apply the image, don't worry about the blurring, it's just the preview image is not scaled correctly, it won't effect the image on the target device.
8 bit images are no longer fully supported by GS - and there is nothing about an 8 bit image that would make the quality more consistent compared to a 24/32 bit image anyway.