Is there a way to copy Behaviors from one actor to another?
I'm trying to copy multiple behaviors from one actor to another actor but I don't see a way. In the Mac version I know you can add behaviors to the Custom palette, but that doesn't seem to work in the Windows version.
the only way I managed to do this, was to have the behaviour string open that you want to copy, then open the one to paste it into. Place both side by side. Or, you can just copy the actor and change the art etc.
I think if you hold down Alt and drag it creates a copy. I cant remember.
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If it's the same project... I discovered you can copy the beavhiors xml over from one object xml to another.
It's trickier if you want to do the same thing between projects because of unique id numbers assigned to objects and attributes.
Ive always been able to copy rules into the Rule pane, myself. they appear at the bottom if you drag them into that pane. Also, i find that gamesalad doesnt select very well for copy paste. You have to sort of grab and move the rule slightly with the mouse before Copy if you use that option. That might be mine, though.
Select the rules you want (to select multiple rules, shift + select), control + C > Paste (control + V) into new actor.
You can use that method to move from one window to another, or dragging rules over work as well.
The only problem is that variables dont copy. Even if both actors have the same name for variables, you have to manually enter them anyways, it throws up errors in the pasting. This annoys me because I use variable heavy rules.