Tizen Publishing Update 6-25-2014
We have pushed a minor update to Tizen publishing today to address a device support issue when submitting games to the Tizen Store. Now that there are some Tizen consumer devices being prepared for public release, the Tizen Store has refreshed their device list and we needed to update our app configuration as well.
For those affected, you would see 0/0 devices supported when uploading your app binary to Tizen. To get the fix, re-generate your GameSalad app, download and sign as usual with the Tizen SDK, and reupload to Tizen.
Thanks for the fast turnaround!
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Yea that's great, thanks for addressing this. I'll try it soon and report back on how it went.
ok so I tried again today to do an update.. it doesn't like the WGT I give it.
I'm using the same ID it's expecting
Although I must confess I'm not sure where the .NotAloneInTheDark is referenced in the gamesalad Tizen page (how does it know this is the name?)
This is the error i'm getting
i'm able to download the WGT, import into Tizen and rebuild the app without any errors so I'm pretty sure the WGT i'm uploading is not bad. the only thing I can think of is that my "nickname" is Tizen, but that i thought was a term to manage things on the gamesalad site, not something that leaves this environment
The Author Signature is the signing key that you set up in Tizen SDK the first time you use it through the Preferences menu. My guess is maybe that you've reinstalled Tizen SDK since you previous submission, or are using a different computer, or redid the signature key setup. If you build the WGT with the original signing key, then it should match. If that key is gone, then I think you'll just have to create a new app in the Tizen store.
@TaoOfSalad that is absolutely correct. It was done on a new install. I did it on my PC side.
I am now on my original mac setup and the binary processed great, so it's not in process to be validated. this is great news!
@TaoOfSalad I submitted an update for one of my apps after the GS Tizen update. My app got rejected and the reason was that it failed to install. The app works as expected on the emulator and in the GS viewer. I am not sure what else to do. I logged a case 6249 if you can please check it out I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
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Awesome been waiting for this for awhile!