Windows Creator Nightly available!
A new Windows Creator nightly build is available, with Viewer support! You can now preview your game directly on an iOS or Android device. Windows Creator is compatible with Viewer version Some things to note:
- In order to communicate with the viewer, Windows Creator needs TCP port 30102 opened. If you are using Windows Firewall, the installer will open this port for you; however, if you are using a different firewall, you will need to do this yourself.
- When Windows Creator detects a viewer running, it will show an Apple or Android icon near the preview button. Right-click on the icon to bring up a menu listing the detected viewers, and select the one you want to preview with.
- Depending on how your network is set up, the Windows Creator may have problems seeing the viewer. If you aren't seeing the icon for the device running the viewer, try restarting the viewer or Windows Creator.
- You may also have trouble getting Windows Creator to see the viewer if you are running Windows in a VM. If you aren't seeing the viewer icon(s), try changing the type of network connection your VM is using.
- This version of Creator does not have many of the bug fixes that are currently in release 0.10.5. We will be integrating those fixes and releasing another nightly build shortly.
- We are also still looking into the issue of Windows Creator not working for some users, and will get a fix in as soon as we can, both to release and nightly.
One thing to note: The system that Windows Creator uses to to talk to the viewer is the same one that iTunes uses to talk to Apple's devices. So if you have iTunes installed there may be problems installing Windows Creator, and vice versa. We're looking at a workaround.
When I run my app thru the android viewer, I get a black screen and a pause then back to the android viewer main screen. I am running the viewer on an Galaxy S5. Any ideas?
First thing I would try is testing a very simple game: create a blank actor in a scene and see if you can see it on your device, just to make sure that the communication channel is working. Next add a texture and sound to the game to make sure those are being viewed correctly. If those tests don't work, you've probably got a communication problem between your computer and the device; I would suggest possibly reinstalling the viewer and/or creator, and checking your firewall to see if it's blocking communication. If the tests work, please send us a bug report with your app attached so we can look at it.
Found the prob. I had some graphics that was using tile and the tile width/ height was 0. It would work in the preview that's why it was so hard to track down.
I can't instal look for picture. Fire Wall is off. Any sugestions ?

Try running the installer by right-clicking on it and selecting "run as administrator".
No, there still does not work
@gajaklukasz : Do you have iTunes or another program that talks to iOS devices on your system? There may be conflicts with them.
I had iTunes but I removed it before installing. I removed the GS Creator and all other programs whose not use it. By the way, I have a clean computer :-)
But it still not working
@gajaklukasz : Try the following steps:
1) Open up Control Panel
2) Open "Administrative Tools" (under systems and security)
3) Run the "Services" app.
4) See if there is a "Bonjour Service" installed. Just look for it, do not try to stop/reset or uninstall the service, doing so could mess up your system.
If there is, as a temporary fix, you'll need to find what program created it and uninstall the program. Unfortunately I can't help you there, but it's likely something from Apple. If there isn't a Bonjour Service installed, try running the GameSalad installer again as administrator. If that still doesn't work, please submit a bug report with your system info so we can try and track down the issue.
Edit: As a followup, one thing to note is that uninstalling iTunes will not actually uninstall the Bonjour service; Apple installs that as a separate program during the iTunes install process. You have to uninstall the actual "Bonjour" program as well (from control panel->programs and features).