PlayHaven Apple Rejections Update

BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250
edited June 2014 in GameSalad Kitchen

We got the following information from them about this issue


Apple Rejections
As you may have recently heard, Apple began rejecting apps that incentivize video ad views and social sharing with rewards or promote other games through the More Games widget. We’re unclear if this is a new policy, but early rejections are often the precursor of broader enforcement.

Developers affected have been told that use of a More Games widget to promote other advertised games is not permitted by Section 2.25 of the App Store Review Guidelines. From our reading of this, it seems that Apple thinks that the More Games widget promotes apps in “a manner similar to or confusing with the App Store.”

So, what are the next steps?

1) We're redesigning our More Games widget. It’s in development now and is a bold departure from the old design. We’ll update you as soon as it’s live and tested in App Store reviews.

2) Use interstitial ads to replace lost video ad revenue. We’ve recently redesigned our iOS interstitial and feature ads and have seen increases in smartphone eCPMs of 20% and tablet eCPMs of 50%. "


  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    In the GS case, if you are using Playhaven, please use the Interstitial ads for the short term until we get word from Playhaven that they have updated their More Games widget.

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