animation problem
I have a stance, walk, idol, and attack animation (all on booleans btw)
When I press the attack button which triggers the attack animation it interferes and with the stance animation (idol) and makes this kind of glitching thingy and it's really annoying me. It's been a few days and nothing I've done has worked. That's basically all I need to start making my levels for my games ( please help )
Make it so when you press the Attack button it turns the stance animation to false. Before it Activates the Attack animation. Than After the attack animation turn the Idol animation Back to true
That's where my problem happens. My game has arrow keys right, left and up (jump)
I set it to up like this
When game.left is false
When game.right is false
animation stance idol
When you're not pressing either key (right and left) I want the stance animation so it looks more realistic if I don't have that rule and animation set up it cheapens the game a lot.
So I've been wondering for a few days how to get around this.