Change actor attribute to movable upon collision
I am trying to have a rule in the actor (platform/floor) that becomes movable once it collides with another object. I read that its not possible to change the movable attribute to true/false during the game.
Can anyone confirm that?
Make two actors identical in every way - except one is moveable and one isn't - let's call these actors target 1 and target 2 (target 2 is the moveable version).
When the third actor collides with target 1 - target one spawns target 2 and destroys itself.
Let me make you a demo, back in 1 minute . . .
Here you go . . . I've made target 1 and target 2 different colours so you can see the swap over - but in the actual game you'd want them to look identical so the swap over is seamless.
Thanks Socks. Your method is extremely useful to achieve what I had in mind.