How can I scroll the scene up and down - top to bottom?
So i followed this video by Tshirtbooth, I managed to get a left to right scroll working.
But when I want to do a top to bottom scroll it doesn't work? I changed all the X attributes to Y.
So I doubled the height of the page and the camera is focused on the bottom half. Then i move the camera up to the top and makes no difference??? I doubled the height and changed the camera for a new project and the camera changes to wherever i place it. So I really don't know what the problem is.. I'm not sure if it's the camera problem or layers being/not being scrollable.
Any ideas anyone? Thanks
I have used this method on a couple of apps one for vertical scrolling and one to scroll around the scene in any direction. There will be a small hard to spot mistake in your code somewhere. Start again and follow it meticulously and it works.
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Thanks @colander but I've followed it again and there isn't anything wrong with the code. Basically the scroll is working, but the cam is stuck on the bottom half of the scene instead of the top half, which is where I want the scene to start from. So i end up scrolling up to the top half instead of down to the bottom half.
The background image is in the background layer, drag in drag just above it (both not scrollable) and then everything else including cam what i want scrollable in a scroll layer. Camera (yellow area) is set to the top half.
I don't get it. Any ideas? Any help is appreciated, thanks!