Did Atari dump E.T.?
Interesting news. Did Atari dump a cache of E.T. games in the 80s?
Interesting news. Did Atari dump a cache of E.T. games in the 80s?
I heard about this years ago and my gut feeling is yes they did.
Apparently there is a movie being made about it, they go looking for the dump site. I wonder if any copies survived in good condition?
The guy who owned the game shop I used to go to all the time in the 90s couldn't sell his Atari Jaguar stuff... he took it all to the dump, rather than putting it on the shelf at heavily discounted prices. I WAS SPEWING!!!!
angry video game nerd is making a movie about it.
I wonder what happened to all the unsold Dreamcasts.
Lump Apps and My Assets
eBay. lol.
I'm pretty sure I owned a copy of ET and as I recall it was horrible.
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We didn't have money for that back then. But I think I played it with friends.
Lump Apps and My Assets
Here is a pretty good review (if you can call it that) about how it sucked:
Lump Apps and My Assets
@LumpApps, I got my first job in order to by my Atari2600, I delivered newspapers a whole summer just to make enough to buy it myself. I was a determined young lad...
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I got a commodore 64 doing just the same, and my 1st drumkit, my first bicycle. I always worked for my stuff and always worked hard. Doing factory work, getting my hands dirty (and a lot more).
Lump Apps and My Assets
I was lucky enough to get my C64 as a graduation present! But in general I've worked for everything I've ever gotten as well, a good work ethic goes a long way!
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A C64?! All I got was a tamagotchi
Lump Apps and My Assets
I never had one of those, looks fun!
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I had one on the 90s. Was pretty stupid and fun at the same time.
Lump Apps and My Assets
I loved my Jaguar (Tempest 2000 FTW) and still think the Dreamcast was the greatest console ever made if you have friends sitting on the couch with you. So many fantastic multiplayer games.
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I never even played with it once. I don't know anyone ever owning one. Shame. I saw it in the stores back then and thought it was awesome. I love playing with friends. Mario Party Wii is awesome and Mario World too. Specially throwing your friends around is fun. Playing it drunk doesn't help either
Lump Apps and My Assets
Off the top of my head, a few of the amazing single-console multiplayer games the Dreamcast boasted:
We also did a lot of playing of fantastic single player games like Crazy Taxi, passing the controller around, and people never got bored watching someone play Shenmue.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
TouchStone Dragon 32 anyone?
I never owned a Dreamcast either...
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@jamie_c House of the dead, Sega Rally, Shenmue and Crazy Taxi on Dreamcast simply amazing at the time…ah the memories
I think I was still playing my Sega Saturn at the time and was too cheap to upgrade.
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Same here, only it was half a Master System. My Dad promised he'd pay the other half if I saved up the first half myself... which I did. Took a while... $5 a week for a 12.5km paper run every day! Pretty sure those sort of rates are illegal these days. LOL.
Actually, to be honest, ET doesn't look TOO bad. I have certainly seen MUCH worse on iOS.
Those are the best deals. My folks where pretty poor so that didn't happen. But I am glad I have seen all the jobs when I was younger that I didn't want. (Still consider myself young
Lump Apps and My Assets
Looks like they found some..
Thanks for sharing. Awesome! I was a big E.T. fan. Can you do his voice? Eeeelioooot!
Lump Apps and My Assets
Pictures looks like more then just ET.
I hope they do sell them. A dirt covered E.T cart would be a pretty sweet piece of gaming history to own. LOL. They should give each one a number and COA
I'd buy one!
Me too. I am a sucked for this kinda stuff. I have and had a lot of old stuff. No flee market complete without me getting some old game stuff.
Lump Apps and My Assets