new app site launched today ""

Everyone our new site is now up and we are ready to add your apps! "" For a limited time you can become a member and have all your apps posted for free during our beta phase,during the next 2 months all members will be free. After that there will be a ten dollar per month fee per member NOT PER APP! This is just to cover operating and marketing cost. We have placed a marketing campaign with goggle and yahoo, a mass emailing to 10 million approved email address every week, placing banners with online game sites, seo project, and more. All scheduled to start next week..
INCREASE your apps visibility send us an email at "[email protected]" and we will send you our detail doc with all the information.
INCREASE your apps visibility send us an email at "[email protected]" and we will send you our detail doc with all the information.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Unlike, has...
A free game a day
Free for any GS developer
Easy game submission
Over 100 games
A presentation that promotes the games
Good graphics
Video reviews
No missing images
And many more features in the pipeline
Hell, i've even got Meta Tags with actual content.
Sorry to criticise, but i spent a LOT of hard work on the site, with the help of many GS developers. For you to keep saying my site is not 'robust', or doesn't have any 'marketing', is incredulous at first, and then damned annoying.
Honestly, i only did this for the good of the GS community, not to charge them $10 a month.
But as i said before i wish you all the best, all efforts to promote GS games is a worthy cause. I just hope the saying is true, that bad publicity is good publicity
IMHO, this site is no threat to by any stretch of the imagination.
However "cmasterenko" you need to work on the layout a little more if you want return visitors. I like the idea of the ipad; but the background inside the ipad isn't working for me. Not trying to be mean just trying to recommend some help.
You've created a website with very little robustness or backend capabilities - or front end capabilities for that matter. To criticise or make any comparisons to is just not a good idea, as the two sites being discussed here are truly leagues apart.
The [] web site has the following significant commercial problems:
1. No business details.
2. No contact info.
3. No tax, vat or payment methods.
4. No Upload facility of App data.
5. Poor visuals (text, content, graphics, layout).
6. Missing images.
Also, if you want the [] web site to be marketed, you're going to have to think about including some form of Meta Data for bots to traverse into your site and populate.
Good luck with it though
Keep working on it, it will only get better
Good Luck.
1.meta tags are getting loaded tomorrow,
2. There is no need for a payment method for the UI the site is not selling anything to users. Under the members admin screen there is a payment method for members to renew monthly.
3.Uploading members apps and data is currently being done internally however Members will be able log on so members can add their apps on there own. (Coming end of the week).
4. At ten dollars a month to high? honestly your kidding after looking at other app sites change to just post one app and with this you get access to use the banners and featured app location included.
5. IT'S FREE FOR THE FIRST TWO MONTHS! you have access to banners, featured apps, a major marketing campaign, and someone to even load everything for you.. Hmm better then free trail? I am listening?
Plus...after looking at the site...I still have NO IDEA what the point of it is. This should be obvious within 5-10 seconds of arriving at the site. Web-design 101!!!
WB synthesis.
You say that you are the world's greatest thing in app marketing ever to be created and you show us a site that instilled little confidence in anyone so far.
Our apps are our babies. We aren't going to hand over our babies to a babysitter that appears to be inebriated, unbathed and reeking of ripe cheese.
If you are at all professional...then show it...because what I see so far says anything but that. I'm not trying to be a dick here...just honest. You've got a good URL...take advantage of it and put together a site that is visually respectable. Then maybe people will take you seriously.
my eyes !!!!!
i back up what wayne and synth said..
saladgamers is professional looking and polished and easy to navigate.
seriously though, hotapptoday just looking at instills no confidence the site and team behind it.
I know you're probably a really caring person and really want to help out the GS community but i really think you should go back to the drawing board.
With a line in the sand - i'm on the saladgamers side
Metatags are irrelevant now. Bots look at content and web relevance. The bots are much more sophisticated now in how they scan data and Metatags were abused in the past making them a poor way of cataloging a site...and are thus pretty much ignored by the bots.
The way to gain bot relevance and search results positioning is through external 3rd party linking to your site. The logic is...the more people that link to you...the more important you must be.
If I'm paying for something via a website (especially if it's showcasing my work) I expect it to look professional. So my advice is don't try to do it all yourself - and if your not designing it - DON'T have your neighbours nephew's brother who knows "web stuff" design it.
Put out some bucks for a real design or use a Content Management system (I recommend Joomla) where there are plenty of free or cheap templates for your to choose from - if you know your way around CSS you can customize them to be different.
For my site (coming soon) I decided not to design it but buy a nice template so I could concentrate on the content and games I'm making. But any way you slice it - if it looks like a myspace page you will not attract the client you may want.
Websites promoting out games are great!
The more, the better. I appreciate everyone's efforts.
And marketing one's games is tough.
We can use all the help we can get!
But, like stated above, the graphic design could use some work.
I hope your gs account is immediately and permanently revoked!
If you can't beat them, steal em???
Is that your business model?
That is totally unacceptable!
Pull down your offers for the website right now!
And maybe, just maybe you'll be left with some decency...
FYI Your clone won't work anyway because Mr. Funks site is tied to our GS accounts....
And if you think Gendai will let you have that you are sorely mistaken....
Congratulations you are now... officially.... the most hated person on this website!
Good luck with that.
What a jackoff!
*** Vodka Connoisseur to be available any day now! (17+) ***