My First Project

Hey everyone.
Screenshots of my first project, "Dangerous Dave". Hope I have put links in correctly, first time I have ever linked a pic!
What you think? Feedback appreciated!!! Ignore the buttons, the are just clunky pressy things I made to "Get the Wheels in motion" ahaha ... *cough* - i will do some nice lookin ones, honest!!
Got game running smooth, just got to sort out resetting scene when bike crashes, at the mo it just takes all three lives away and goes to the "Game Over" screen as soon as you crash for the first time! Doh!! Also cant get me head round tilt controls, shame, but there ya go. Just not happenin for me!!
Screenshots of my first project, "Dangerous Dave". Hope I have put links in correctly, first time I have ever linked a pic!
What you think? Feedback appreciated!!! Ignore the buttons, the are just clunky pressy things I made to "Get the Wheels in motion" ahaha ... *cough* - i will do some nice lookin ones, honest!!
Got game running smooth, just got to sort out resetting scene when bike crashes, at the mo it just takes all three lives away and goes to the "Game Over" screen as soon as you crash for the first time! Doh!! Also cant get me head round tilt controls, shame, but there ya go. Just not happenin for me!!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
It runs pretty smooth on my ipod. I have saved all the gfx as 256 colour indexed png's. All actors are animated at 30fps. Tried to stick to the power of 2 rule, and keep low on the rules and attribs. Hey, thats my parents about to be wiped out on the bench, filmed em and cut around em in photoshop haha.
I dont know how to capture a vid or I would post that too!! Cant do any music at mo, as I have just bought snow leopard and no longer have garageband }:-/