Release Candidate is available!
Release Candidate
- Fixed Table names being sorted incorrectly by their first number instead of the whole digit
- Fixed actor display issue when setting or interpolating the alpha value of an actor to less than 1
- Fixed Usernames with spaces causing a “Bad URL” error when attempting to sign an app
- Fixed Resolution Independence not staying checked in new projects after importing an image.
Known Issues:
- The Release Candidate version of Creator will not open if your GateKeeper settings are set to “Mac App Store” or “Mac App Store and identified developers”
We have done compatibility testing with many of the popular image creation application.
Here are the ones we know that work with our new loading code: Fireworks, Photoshop, Inkscape, Gimp, and Illustrator all were fine.
Anything that is not on this list is not tested or does not work. These applications are what we are going to support in 0.11 for image creation.
While we wish we could support everything the amount of applications an png sub-formats would push back the release of 0.11 indefinitely if we tried to support them all.
Report Any Bugs
If you find bugs in the Release Candidate, let us know! We'll be watching the forums and support tickets for info on this. Once we're all happy with the state of the build then we'll make it stable.
Take a moment to review the "known issues" section of the release notes before reporting any bugs. No need to duplicate reports on what we already know, right?
Thanks for your help!
Go Get It!
See the release notes here:
Download the release candidate here:
Scroll down until you see "Release Candidates"
Awesome turn around times for these fixes, good job guys.
My body is ready. My salad, too.
Yes! The actor alpha interpolate bug is gone! Thank you! I've been waiting for that bug to be fixed for a few releases now.
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Hooray!!! I'm in the same boat as Braydon_SFX, the alpha bug was the only one I was encountering and now it's finally gone!! great work Gamesalad team!
I will be testing with some Corel Draw X5 created PNGs files later. What should I look for if things go wrong?
@lukecurley let me know if you find anything, as that is what I am using as well. So far everything looks good, it's just the loading is unusably slow. Takes 15 seconds to change scenes where there is virtually no logic involved. I'm hoping it's just the image format which can easily be changed... I'm afraid it's the new GS image engine.
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Sorry if this has been reported before... and I feel that it has, but Display Text on Android is wonky. Wonky = wrapping where not needed. I'm using Arial 70pt and Arial 42pt and both do the same thing. After 3 characters it's wrapping to a new line. Both are set to Center alignment, but both have more than enough width in the containing object to show on a single line. Works as expected in iOS.
Edit : Ok, I just tried again with this build on a different Android device and it seems fine. I'll confirm again on the previous Android devices to see if this build fixed it (I just saw it an hour ago on .11.0.4 on a Galaxy Note 2.)
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@clee2005 that is a know issue I will make sure it is in our bug data base post.
We should have the fixed in the next release.
What no official MS paint support? Come on guys... >:) Thanks for cranking out these fixes lately.
Ah thanks @BlackCloakGS . Good to know. I am now noticing that while Android is asleep the sound continues. I believe this is in the Public Bug database that I saw earlier this week. If not... there you go.
Would be handy if the known issues is an RC contained that list of bugs from the Public Database as there aren't that many.
Our games
well the Alpha on the Angel and Airship works now but everything else is broke. I'm not going to complain I know this is for the better in the long run but just sucks I started game so long ago. only to release it less then two weeks ago and now it's broke I guess I finished just in time. and yes I used tinypng on everything in game 1280 images.
on a side note looks like a neon effect will be easy to make now,lol.
Thanks @BlackCloakGS !!! the issue of PNG is closed, the list of supported programs is more than good and includes free options. It is well understood that the list of supported programs should be closed, it is preferable that you can invest your time in other and new features
upload error-improper advertising identifier [IDFA] usage
I just upload project.and error happen.
I use creator beta version ,and I just upload new project to gamesalad web site,and sign up ,download to my Mac system.
And then ,I user Application Loader to upload the zip,then show a error:improper advertising identifier [IDFA] usage.
Your app contains advertising identifier [IDFA] API but you have not indicated useage on the prepare for upload page in
iTunes connect.
Please help me.
Is there a chance that you will support png made with things like tinypng in future versions?
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
Ok so are images made by Pixelmator supported? Tested, doesn't work or Didn't test, not sure?
Also, so should we totally avoid using PNG size reducers like ImageOptim when using GameSalad in 0.11 and so on?
I just finished a new app and I'm currently working on three other ones off and on so I'm sticking with for now, but I just wanted to know for future purposes.
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@BlackCloakGS Thank you for clarifying the PNG issue. At least we now know what is safe to use.
When I start using 0.11 and I try PNGs from other apps and they work fine (such as Preview, Final Cut Pro, Motion, Anime Studio, etc) I will advise Tech Support.
Thank you for creating the Public Bug Post so that we know what to avoid using and what you are already aware of that needs attention. Hopefully, this will reduce the amount of repetitive, unnecessary posts all over the place and make life easier for the GS Team.
Awesome stuff. All png and alpha issues seems to be fixed. Scene loading times are significantly slower now though. Perhaps have a look at that if possible. Tested Ad Hoc on iPhone 5s and its really slow. In the older builds its pretty instant on the 5s.
My Latest GS Game - Tiny Spirit
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Very impressed at how quickly things are getting turned around, but I would urge our GS overlords to fix the loading issue before releasing the next stable version.
We want to be moving forward, right? Not back!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
@quantumsheep, I agree, wish for it to be top of the list now.
@BlackCloakGS You and the team are doing awesome work.
My game with the png alpha problem is now back to how it was and it looks great.
I can confirm your new image system seems to support
Keep up the amazing work and thanks for listening to all of us...

10 bonus points for quick turn around.. alpha issue all fixed and looking great.
Still get the bug I found yesterday... if you press the 'PLAY' tirangle just above the layout window, then press preview it crashes Creator.... never use 'PLAY' triangle normally myself but add it to a 'if we get round to it' list.
@BlackCloakGS great work alpha issue sorted ... Champion thank you. Just one question is PlayHaven going to be supported or will it just be RevMob and ChartBoost going forward ? The reason I ask is that I just updated one of my apps which uses PlayHaven and when I packaged it using this RC the ads are not displaying so my guess is it will be discontinued ...
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Fantastic work! Finally my game looks like i want it to look.
Thank you @BlackCloakGS and thanks to everyone who's working on fixing bugs and enhancing the user experience.
As with version when I make an ad hoc test In my ipad 2 with iOS 7 the revmob announcements show correctly only when the dispositive is connected to internet when it's not, it shows a black screen with no announcement and it's impossible to close it and so to play, thanks
@liuxz I just did the same thing. Apparently you have to say TRUE to the question "Does your app use IDFA?" I tried uploading an app that doesn't use ads, and it still fails... so I think GS has calls that are being detected by Apple's prescanning. The solution is to upload a dummy app with the same Bundle Id and then Developer Reject it and start again.
Problem is that if it's GS then we can't generate a dummy app. Need to do it via Xcode or something else.
Anyone else got a solution for this?
EDIT : I just hit SEND again (7:10PM EST) on the Application Loader, having changed nothing and it went through. Apple must have changed something on their end.
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For got to post this. Yes, the release after 0.11.0 we will be focusing on loading speeds and memory usage of images. We will be moving the engine (not creator ) to use a proprietary file format that should beat out any png image for loading speed and memory usage. We are looking into what we can do about bring the file size down however there are trade off for getting the faster loading times and smaller memory foot print.
Hey @BlackCloakGS I don't expect you to give out a release date, but please say that it's coming very soon after the .11 release because as it is the .11 is not much good as slow as it has become. Can't imagine anyone wanting to wait 15+ seconds between scenes.
PS. Nice work over there... lol (gotta balance out the whining and complaining!)
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Yea if I'm going to be completely honest. With load times increasing that much I don't even know why it would be the stable version. We were expecting load times to decrease with this extremely long awaited release. Not increase by 3x as much or more. One step forward, two steps back.
I highly suggest you guys focus ENTIRELY on getting that load speed back to acceptable time frames and release it in a patch as soon as possible. Instead of wasting our time for 6 months waiting for another stable release with acceptable load times.
I'm not trying to talk down on all the good you guys have done and the hard work, but come on. You can't possibly consider going from 3 second load times to 15 second load times acceptable.
Everything was looking roses until you mentioned introducing a proprietary image format.
Is GS going to provide us will all the image preparation and manipulation tools in a free application that will replace FireWorks, Photoshop, Motion, Vue, Final Cut Pro, Anime Studio, Poser et al?
That would be Awesome!
Or do you mean the new engine will convert our PNGs to a GS proprietary format, the way the previous versions convert JPGs to PNG on upload?
For png images that may not be 100% compatible with the new engine, (i'm assuming PngCrush isnt compatiable?) is there a suggestion as to how we can re-use/re-create these files so they will be usable again.
Possibly importing the PNG's into one of the supported graphics programs, and exporting them to a supported file format (TGA)?
I'm not entirely positive this would work, as i'm not to sure whats stripped out of the original PNG files. Every program seems to do things a little differently (hence your headaches with the format!)