Locking Future Unplayed Levels


Please help with this. I can't work our how to lock future levels and have them unlock as the player progresses.

Any help on this would be much appreciated!



  • TosanuTosanu Member, PRO Posts: 388

    What you will want to do is make two attributes in the game file and one in whatever button you have as the locked/unlocked item. Mark the attributes something like CurrentLevel, UnlockedLevel, and(on the button) whatlevelamI.

    Then you create an actor in each level that also has a WhatLevelAmI number. Make it so that when the level starts, CurrentLevel equaps WhatLevelAmI make a rule upon finishing the level that checks if the currentlevel is equal to or greater to the unlockedlevel. If it is, you will want to change the unlocked level to match currentlevel, and then Save the attribute. On the menu screen(assuming you want one, and im not misunderstanding), create an actor that Loads the saved attribute, and put a rule in the level buttons to check if Unlockedlevel is equal to or greater than their WhatLevelAmI, and if so, change their image to unlocked and allow them to be touched/clicked to go to that level. Is this helpful?

  • nick.karkazis@hotmail.com[email protected] Member Posts: 11

    Thanks for this! I'll give it a crack tonight. Hope I can get it to work =]

  • nick.karkazis@hotmail.com[email protected] Member Posts: 11

    Hey Tosanu,

    Can you please elaborate on your above comment. It definitely makes sense and I can tell if i work out a few of the things you said, I'd get it.

    Above you mention - "Then you create an actor in each level that also has a WhatLevelAmI number. Make it so that when the level starts, CurrentLevel equaps WhatLevelAmI"

    Can you please explain. Is it an attribute? If I make Current Level equal to WhatLevelAmI what do I put in the 'do' section.

    Also, how do I put a rule into the scene rather than on a character (for when the scene starts - as you mentioned).

    If you could explain again in a little more detail, I'm positive I'll get it.

    Sorry to be such a hassle an thank you for the help!


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