App Rejected help!
here what i got from apple: We found that your app did not meet the requirements for running on iPad, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.
Your app did not run at iPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad. While your app may be built for iPhone or iPod, it must still run on iPad, at iPhone resolution and at 2x iPhone 3GS resolution.
i build this app only for iPhone and choose iPhone option when i publish in game salad, i use resolution independence and choose overscan when i publish, any help please!
Are you publishing it under as universal or just iphone or ipad?
just iphone
you probably gotta test it on an iPad as well to make sure it's working properly
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it crop 1/5 on ipad so what should i do? how can i avoid this?
Are you sure you published iPhone only?
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sure, i'm very careful and make sure i choose iphone not universal when i publish on but apple test it on ipad and it crop 1/5 of my game (i test with ad hoc on my Iphone 5 and it work perfect)
My App got rejected today for putting poop falling from character like WTF lol
Really? I saw one game. It was flappy bird clone, but the bird was pooping while flying and it was accepted. You properly made your character poop look so...
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Greedy Chubby:
Did you add iPad screenshots in iTunes Connect? If yes, delete them
i just deleted them and publish use Stretch option in gamesalad Candidates hopefully this time will pass.
Even if you only choose iphone, they will test it on ipad too, so you need to built your app to fit in both iphone and ipad screen. And don't use stretch option, coz it will leave a black bar on top and bottom on 3,5" iphone (if landscape), or left and right (if portrait), and your app will be likely reject too. You better start your project on ipad screen, double the image resolution if you use resolution independence.
Here's a templete for universal built screen position, and choose crop mode when publish