App crashes @ 40 seconds (Adhoc build)
Hey guys!
Tried adhoc building a few ‘demos’ on several different devices & versions and every single one crashes at roughly 40 seconds in, every time!
I’ve even tried using some templates thinking it was my poor coding, same result.
using: OSX 10.9.2 - GS 10.4.1.
FYI I’ve made a bug report.. just thought you guys might know,
Thanks in advance.
Hi Andrew.
Some of us have the same situation too.
Oh thanks!
@andrew_jms Is the app massive in size? I have seen apps crash when the RAM is pushed to far.
Yep, it is on the larger side of things, so I tried using some of deep blue apps templates with tiny file sizes. Same result.. Tested on iPhone, iPod & iPad varying iOS from v5 to v7
@andrew_mjs could be your setup I am not using Mavericks as I am not yet convinced it is working with GS 10.4.1 in a stable manner.
I had this issue as well but it randomly fixed itself the other day.