iphone 5 and 4 resolution
Hi! I have made a game for iphone 5 but I have a problem. When run on iphone 5 it's all ok but when I run it on iphone 4 the game go out of range. How can I adjust this?
Thanks to all
Hi! I have made a game for iphone 5 but I have a problem. When run on iphone 5 it's all ok but when I run it on iphone 4 the game go out of range. How can I adjust this?
Thanks to all
I'm not sure if it can be done. I've seen a few similar post and no one has answered the questions with a direct answer. I do know if you resize to iphone 4 it will letter box and work for iphone 5
And yet another UB needed...good luck! I aint had any.
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You can just use rules that move actors into range when the screen resolution is detected as iphone 4 size. What kind of game is it?
The best results I've seen with it are with the release candidate version of gamesalad using the "stretch" function as opposed to overscan or letterbox. I really am liking the results. I suggest you do the original in iPad format and scale down to the 5 and 4 from there.
I am really looking forward to this new release to try this method :-)
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