Looking for assistance with Universal Builds
Ok, I have been trying at this for hours now and I cannot get this to work.
I have a game set in portrait mode in which I need to be able to work universally with all IOS devices. Could some one please give me the universal binaries and code to write in for this to work. I would like to start from an iPhone 5 project if that is possible. My games screen size currently is 320 X 568. One of the problems that I was facing is that when I apply origin attributes they don't save. I have been typing them in, because I cannot find out how to input them. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help if you know how to fix this. I would GREATLY appreciate it!!
Thanks @uptimistik. I had looked at that earlier but totally missed a large part of it. Thanks for the reiteration!
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uhoh....your using exclamation marks AND capital letters...and obviously desperate.
I hope your issue is resolved. If you start your game from scratch with those UB templates you should be fine. Build first and then expect it to work ? I believe your going to become very frustrated and maybe even use all caps and many many exclamation marks soon.
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@Thunder_Child I fortunately got it to work. lol However, for future reference I definitely want to use UB templates. Do you know of any in particular?
@uptimistik thanks for that. I seemed to get a little carried away when I saw weeks of work appear to be done all in vain.
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Also, I forgot to mention but I think my games accelerometer may not be working after I published it. Have you ever hear of this happening? If so, how can I fix it? Thanks again!
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Well so far all of the GSHelper UB templates work as advertised for projects from scratch. Again though...buying a template on yhe marketplace and then merging with DEep Blue Apps Project merger has not always worked. I dont have a link but in the forums there is a a few discussions on detecting screen size and positioning actors around edges if the screen that might be affected. You have to olace those change attributes in those actors affected. Appears to be the best work arounds for now. GS has on their list of "to do's" to eventually make all projects built one time...one publish but I understand thats near the bottom of the list. Many many many people...mostly noobs like myself are waiting for this "fix". @DeepBlueApps and @FryingBaconStudios are the best guys to get good UB templates and project/scene merger apps. They have helped me a great deal.
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