Test iAds may be broken in iOS 7.1
FYI, Apple test iAds may not work if you update to iOS 7.1. Not sure about live ads.
I've updated an iPhone 5, an iPad 2, and a new generation iPad mini to iOS 7.1 - test iAds worked on all devices before the update and now none work. I'm using an adhoc universal landscape build (published using
Thought I would share in case you're currently testing iAds...
Thanks for the info. It seems to be affecting live ads too.
I'm guessing its a problem on apples side.
This is a confirmed issue. On Stackoverflow someone mentioned they fixed the problem as follows:
Obviously this is something Apple will have to fix but GS should keep an eye on it as the new ios may require slightly different handling of ads.
My Latest GS Game - Tiny Spirit
My First GS Game - Dashing Ralph
Just a quick update that ads seem to be running again. Likely Apple implemented a fix when they saw their iAd revenue drop to zero.
My Latest GS Game - Tiny Spirit
My First GS Game - Dashing Ralph
It doesn't seems like the iOS view for 7.1 isn't working either. Anybody know if theres a fix for that?