Naming Help
I set out a few weeks ago to make a wizarding game where it would be possible to complete a career mode and have duels with different difficulties of opponents. I am pretty far into the game now and it should be very good (ill post screenshots and a vid soon). I am in need of ideas for things to call the spells in the game. Don't go look up harry potter and give me those though, something original. Any help with names would be great! I need at least 8 spell names so reply with as many as you can think of! Make sure the name is catchy and rolls off of your tongue.
For example lets say Fire blast
We'll use Polish for the first word, and latin for the second
Ogień flatus
There you go!
They have name generators for EVERYTHING...
The categories are up in the top left, you can probably use something from the magic category.
They have name generators for spells and a whole bunch of other stuff.
If that doesn't do it for you, then check out the Names category and go for the fantasy name generators. "Dark Elf" names would be appropriate for spells...