- XMB will be free tomorrow - I'll post results later



  • RHRH Member Posts: 1,079
    scitunes said:
    144,000 DLs in 2 days.

    Phoaar, nice one.
  • rebumprebump Member Posts: 1,058
    Don't know what the CPM rates are for mobile ads these days. I would imagine most mobile ad campaigns are CPC/CPA based. If CPM, then even at a low $1 CPM rate, 144,000 ad impressions would be $144 earned. At $5 CPM, it would be $720. All that is assuming the user only sees the ad in the app once. If they use the app repeatedly, they will likely see more ads!!!


    For those new to online/mobile ad serving:

    CPM - Cost Per Thousand (ad impressions served)

    CPC/CPA - Cost per Click/Cost per Action (e.g. ad viewer actually clicks on an ad impression or clicks on the ad impression and does some action like sign-up/buy/etc.)
    So if you have a $1 CPM rate, then one ad impression would give you $0.001 (yeah, a tenth of a cent).

    If the ads pay on CPC/CPA, then you are paid quite a bit more for the "click" or the "action" but then you are only paid for ads that result in a "click" or an "action" and not overal ad impression count. CPC usually pays less than CPA.


    Trivia: I'm assuming the "M" in "CPM" is akin to the "M" in Roman numerals for "Thousand".
  • paulitsmepaulitsme Member Posts: 109
    It would be great if we could get that kinda money from advertising.
  • BarkBarkCoBarkBarkCo Member Posts: 1,400
    rebump said:
    If CPM, then even at a low $1 CPM rate, 144,000 ad impressions would be $144 earned. At $5 CPM, it would be $720.

    Guys keep in mind, that would be the result if everyone who downloaded only opened the app once and then deleted ... So it's kind a worst case scenario. Actual results for a game with decent "replayability" would be much higher!
  • rebumprebump Member Posts: 1,058
    @scitunes: What sort of metrics are you seeing in the GS metrics for that app? Mainly interested in the, I believe, "sessions" count.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    I just went to my portfolio and for some reason it is not giving me the analytics option for that app. it gives it to me for other ones though. Any idea how I get the analytics working?
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
    scitunes said:
    144,000 DLs in 2 days.

    wow...that's pretty good going.
  • FetaboyFetaboy Member, PRO Posts: 191
    rebump said:
    Don't know what the CPM rates are for mobile ads these days. I would imagine most mobile ad campaigns are CPC/CPA based. If CPM, then even at a low $1 CPM rate, 144,000 ad impressions would be $144 earned. At $5 CPM, it would be $720. All that is assuming the user only sees the ad in the app once. If they use the app repeatedly, they will likely see more ads!!!

    My current CPM from Admob for an app developed in xcode is varying widely lately...anywhere from $1 to $6 per 1000 impressions. It's definitely a nice source of income for a free app, and hopefully we get the ability to use iAds or AdMob sometime soon.

    And yes, if it's an app that's used frequently, the impressions per day just keep on rising.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Can we stop talking about how much money I COULD be making!

  • FetaboyFetaboy Member, PRO Posts: 191
    scitunes said:
    Can we stop talking about how much money I COULD be making!


  • adadoadado Member Posts: 219
    scitunes said:
    I just went to my portfolio and for some reason it is not giving me the analytics option for that app. it gives it to me for other ones though. Any idea how I get the analytics working?

    I would ping the GS devs. It seems to be hit or miss (i.e buggy). :-)

    Actually, I just went to check on mine and the link for analytics is gone (and I am logged in). Weird!
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    just emailed them. I'll repost if they get it working.
  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,198
    So... about the analytics. We were using Pinch Media for our analytics, since they merged with Flurry they've stopped allowing creation of new analytics IDs on their system. Because of this, newer games will not have analytics.

    We decided not to replace Pinch Media because we've heard that Apple has started rejecting (on occasion) apps with third party app analytics systems.

    As such, analytics will only be available on older games (at least until Pinch closes down their analytics system).

    We're looking into an acceptable replacement system or word that apple has stopped banning analytics.

    We're revamping the project management interface, so we'll be able to make this all much more clear soon.

  • adadoadado Member Posts: 219
    @scitunes: So do you have an analytics link for your XMB game currently!? My StarKeep game (which has been out for some time) had a link but it is no longer present. Odd if you still have a link and I don't based on what adent42 is saying.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    no I don't. So no info on sessions. Sorry guys!
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    230,000 DLs in 3 days. I am going to set it to $1.99 later today. We'll see what happens over the next month.
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    @scitunes..well done I hope it all leads to great things..XMB still has me coming back for more. Is it possible to monitor installs/uninstalls of that 230K user base?
  • stanimationstanimation Member Posts: 406
    @ Scitunes..Will you still talk with us when you are a gozillionaire? Cant wait for the results!!
    @ MrT..Good idea!
  • rebumprebump Member Posts: 1,058
    Yeah, I think Scitunes should get busy busting his butt on "XMB 2" or "XMB Pro" and do something with it while all this is going on. Too bad it wasn't his "Lite" version on there...or was it?
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    no, it's the full version. Problem is I am also working on finishing a science curriculum package that contains a 110 page workbook (200 page teacher edition), full length album of science songs and eventually a video game for each song (about half the songs currently have games). I have a school district that has placed an order and I told them early may (oops!). So I have absolutely no time to make an XMB2 which is really unfortunate. I hope to have the books done by early next week so maybe I'll have time then.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    dude, that's almost quarter of a MILLION downloads...

    Jesus... I can't count past 10...

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • rebumprebump Member Posts: 1,058
    @sci: Now just to be certain/clear, these download counts are from ITunesConnect reports, correct? And not some referral link click count from FreeAppADay (i.e. they count the times their forwarder link to iTunes is clicked but not necessarily downloaded)? I know you mention "DLs" but I just want to make certain as I may want to try this with the next app we plan on releasing using a scheme similar to what TSB mentioned (only for a brand new title in a series).
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Can't wait to hear sales reports when you make it 1.99! :)
  • stanimationstanimation Member Posts: 406
    I hope he makes a ton. But, free is infinitely more attractive. This is what happened to me. On my game SpoonFlip, I was getting around 5k downloads a day for a week when I had it free. Then, I changed it to 99 cents and woke the next day to see my hundreds or perhaps thousands and had about a dozen sales :( Bummer. Still, you never know. And 250k downloads is waaaaay more that 5k.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    My DL numbers come from appfigures. I haven't looked at itunes connect in the last three days but I have been using appfigures and it seems to line up with itunes connect. I plan on changing it to 1.99 in a few hours. Obviously it will drop off a lot, but we'll see what kind of bump it give me as compared to the sales I was getting before the free promotion.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    I'm willing to bet you'll get at least 100 paid downloads if not more, given how many you're getting with free downloads, I think you'll get a significant number in paid, but we'll see! Can't wait to hear the results!
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    One thing that worries me is that the Freetards have really been bashing me with negative reviews. I have an update that just went to in review. I made some changes that should actually address some of the issues that people had - namely framerate issues. There were a number of complaints about loading times though - not much I can do about that right now.

    If I can get GS people to DL the game and review it or update your previous reviews I would greatly appreciate it!

    Thanks everyone!
  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    Done! Good luck with the promotion!!!
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Thanks everyone! I just set it to 1.99 so it will probably only be free for a very short time. I can't wait to see what happens to it after the switch goes into affect.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Awesome!! Can't wait to see how sales do for you!!
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