Free Advertising No Gimmicks!

SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
Seth's Apps (the company I own) has just now started their advertising program. We would like to offer 7 completely free spots to people from game salad wanting to get hits for their game. Please post your apps direct itunes link below and we will have your app up on our website within 10-15 minutes of that. We are only taking the first 7 people for free and you are limited to ONE advertising space per person. You can check out the advertising part of our site at and if you dont make the first 7 please consider advertising on our site we get a good amount of visitors. As you will see on the link listed above our prices are as follows:

$3.00 for 1 week
$5.00 for 2 weeks
$7.00 for 3 weeks
$10.00 for 1 month
$25.00 for 3 months
$50.00 for 6 months

Please post also what you think about the prices. Do they sound reasonable for our site (we get a good amount of visitors). We think they are great prices but we need your opinions too. First come first serve and please buy a space if you want one after the first 7 free ones have been taken up. Also if you do give your games itunes link feel free to email me a promo code at [email protected] and ill test your app and maybe make a youtube vid for a review of it.

Good luck to the first 7! We are hoping our ad site will take off with a bang. More free spaces may be given out soon!


  • mandancemandance Member Posts: 87
    A site that's just adds isn't helping anyone....
    The whole point of adds is to supplement content.
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Check out the site, its our business website so it has a lot on it about our apps and business and beta testing. Plus its free why should anyone complain??
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    You cant tell me no one out there wants a completely free chance to advertise their app!
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328

    I would love to publish all of those but I said one app per person in the post. But either way if more people dont request it I will put up all of them haha. Tell me which one you want the most for now :)
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Weswog your ad has been posted for doodle tapper and if no one else is looking to compete with him he will be the only one and we will just post all 4 of his apps. Someone out there has got to want to post something!
  • gregr209gregr209 Member Posts: 441
    I would to include my 'Pick A Party - President Edition' iphone app if possible -

    I have had a hard time getting the word out about it.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    No-one can really comment on the prices when the only information as to how many hits you get is 'we get a good amount of visitors'.

    Your 'good amount' may be nothing compared to other sites. There's no context.

    How many visitors do you get daily? Weekly? Monthly?

    How many are 'unique' visitors and not just you and your mates looking at it?

    Again, this is poorly thought out. Some more info would be ideal.



    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Well our stats usually rise up to about 6,000 unique visitors every 2 weeks (thats about the only stats I can get). Of course it goes up and down around that but thats bout all I can tell. Do the math and you can find out all of the other stats but you have to admit thats pretty cheap advertising.
  • fuzzeemicfuzzeemic Member Posts: 47
    iluveunc said:
    Well our stats usually rise up to about 6,000 unique visitors every 2 weeks (thats about the only stats I can get). Of course it goes up and down around that but thats bout all I can tell. Do the math and you can find out all of the other stats
    I'm a little lost with what maths to apply here...
    Might I suggest you sign up for it's free and can give you all the stats you need and prove!
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328

    Thanks for that I just signed up I thought it was just for advertising haha. Anyways we still have 4 free spots on the site any more takers?

    Check out the ads are already up its legit so why not post your game up??
  • fuzzeemicfuzzeemic Member Posts: 47
    Good start to sign up for analytics.
    If you can handle constructive criticism, read on, otherwise skip this paragraph.

    I think you need to re-evaluate your purpose. Having just a page with ads on it will serve no purpose. There's no review, description of the game - nothing. Just an icon linked to the appstore. Ads need to supplement "GOOD" content. I spent 5 minutes on your site and found very little content, more like a business trying to promote their own apps/services. If I was running a business of that nature, I wouldn't really be promoting the competition. (That's just me!) I would suggest you don't charge for ads to start, work out how you will add value to your customers (not just putting an icon on a page), get a following, then introduce a charge once you've proven yourself to add value.

    It's over to you now. I admire what you are trying to do. You do come across as a young person I must admit. ;-)

    Good luck.
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Haha you guessed it I still have much much more to learn and managing two businesses plus trying to push through high school with a 4.9 GPA is a tough job. In response to your commend fuzzeemic, I am planning on making a youtube video for each of these apps and reviewing them then posting that on my site to. This is more about getting attention to the site and as I have no real job (I am still to young obviously) funds are low and I have virtually no money to continue making apps and upholding a site thats why im looking for donations or advertising from other people to help at least give me a kickstart of moola $$
  • CrazybreadmanCrazybreadman Member Posts: 674
    If you do have a steady number of visitors, I think if you were to have advertising it should be on a sidebar that is on each page. To have an 'advertising' section is odd and I don't think many people would be interested in looking at it. This is just a suggestion to improve your site. If you need another app you can post mine up. It certainly cant hurt :)

    Traffic Ninja
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Dont worry paid apps will go on the sidebar haha this is just temporary and I added your app crazybreadman
  • goku9001goku9001 Member Posts: 33
    GORO'S WAY from Pixel Mines Games:

    Many thanks!
  • debugdesigndebugdesign Member Posts: 886
    If there is any free spaces left, please add 'Quizicards'


  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Sorry, out of free spaces for now im just doing the ones so far. @Jel and @debugdesign if you would like to have your app featured please pick an advertising plan at and we will make a review of the app and feature it on our website for your selected time. Same for anyone else!
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