Tizen & Appbackr program updates 20-May-2014



  • SpinzSpinz NorwayMember, PRO Posts: 42
    hope so
  • VoidedSkyVoidedSky Member Posts: 1,095
    So, I know that we need to have a PayPal account to receive the money, but does it need to be on the email account that we use for GameSalad? I have a PayPal on a personal email account, and not one on my GameSalad email.

  • CrazyApeCrazyApe Member Posts: 64
    my app was accepted on the 26 feb. Will I get the money and pro?
  • LordTarantorLordTarantor Member, PRO Posts: 890
    So, I know that we need to have a PayPal account to receive the money, but does it need to be on the email account that we use for GameSalad? I have a PayPal on a personal email account, and not one on my GameSalad email.

    No, it doesn't. Mine was on a different email and I already received some of the payments.

  • tylerglessnertylerglessner Member Posts: 246
    Quick question: How do we see our Appbackr scores they gave the games we submitted?
  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378
    Quick question: How do we see our Appbackr scores they gave the games we submitted?
    As yet there's no confirmation that games that weren't pre-scored are either being scored or are eligible for the extra incentives.

  • baboybaboy Member, PRO Posts: 93
    i got some of my free months today, but still no paypal payout from Gamesalad. Anyone here got free months and GS payouts already?
  • BBEnkBBEnk Member Posts: 1,764
    edited February 2014
    I got all my months for my 3 games but no payout. BUT If you read the post made by GS they said we would get free months this week and Incentive payments would be around 30 days later after they get money from Tizen and only Appbacker payments were made this week.

    also note: I did not receive any e-mail saying I had my free pro months back just happen to notice my badge had returned so I then check my setting at it was all there.
  • CodeMonsterCodeMonster ACT, AustraliaMember Posts: 1,078
    Mmmm everyone seems to be getting their free months now. :/
    I had to games sent in early jan so I hope I get it soon :/
  • I got my first 3 free months of pro. So excited to get back to publishing! WOOHOO!!!! Thanks guys!
  • IcedBIcedB Member, PRO Posts: 384
    I'd like to point out that i'm missing out on thousands because the Tizen sdk won't work on my computer. Even though I have 10 out of 10 for one of my apps. No smiles from this corner
  • CodeMonsterCodeMonster ACT, AustraliaMember Posts: 1,078
    @IcedB same, i could only upload 2 apps because after i uploaded two, gamesalad creator would crash every second and now its fine but back then it wasnt, so i only got to send in 2 :/, but thats a shame! sorry man :/
  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378
    I'd like to point out that i'm missing out on thousands because the Tizen sdk won't work on my computer. Even though I have 10 out of 10 for one of my apps. No smiles from this corner
    Should have got someone to update them for you :( I did a bunch for people in similar circumstances.
  • CodeMonsterCodeMonster ACT, AustraliaMember Posts: 1,078
    hey has others who submitted there apps in early jan got there payment/pro yet? i submitted mine around 10th of jan and still waiting :/ hope it comes in soon
  • izamizam Member, PRO Posts: 503
    hey has others who submitted there apps in early jan got there payment/pro yet? i submitted mine around 10th of jan and still waiting :/ hope it comes in soon
    No yet for both payment and pro.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378
    I submitted some in December, at least one in January and at least one in the first few days of February. No pro or money yet. I'm taking that to mean I wasn't eligible for any appbackr incentives. Really wish they'd clarify that.
  • TvndraTvndra Member Posts: 87
    edited February 2014
    No pro or cash yet... hopefully this week! :(( :D :| ~O) ~:> =))
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    No pro! No GS cash nor app backer incentive. Submitted to GS 1/16 and1/21 both were scored as noted in my email from GS
  • AxygamesAxygames Member, PRO Posts: 203
    have faith, GameSalad is great, GameSalad is the light ^:)^
  • wpatenwpaten Member, PRO Posts: 281
    I have been paid for 2 of my apps. I have also received my pro membership months for what looks like 5 of my 10 submitted apps. That all happened within this last week.
  • FrantoFranto Member Posts: 779
    I'm pretty sure their working hard from morning till night going through the list of hundreds of people that submitted for the Tizen program. They are probably going down a list from those with most games downward.

    Must be a headache trying to validate all those games and double checking to make sure who is getting what and that a game hadn't been submitted twice, etc. Judging at the speed things are going. It's probably not easy. Imagine just checking on a single person probably takes 2 hours on average so they are probably only getting through dozens of people a day. That is my guess anyways. They can't just hand out incentives and free months just by looking at a list else they end up giving more to people with errors in the system, or scammers and such. Unless superman is in their staff looking through hundreds of documents a second and stuff, this isn't gonna be easy work to do. On top of the programming and bug fixing they already have to do, things aren't gonna be nilly willy.
  • dgackeydgackey Austin, TXInactive, PRO, Chef Emeritus Posts: 699
    We have hit 1,000! Thanks to everyone who participated!

    The main post has been updated. I'll follow up on Tuesday with the feedback from my call with Appbackr later this afternoon.

    Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc · [email protected]

  • CodeMonsterCodeMonster ACT, AustraliaMember Posts: 1,078

    -- Free months: free months have been processed for all known validated submissions as of the 1/31 report from Appbackr.
    @dgackey i submitted my apps around mid/early jan and did everything i was told, so does this mean im not getting the incentives for my 2 apps? :(

  • dgackeydgackey Austin, TXInactive, PRO, Chef Emeritus Posts: 699
    @CodeMonster, that's not the case at all. It just means Appbackr's reports didn't match your game, and therefore didn't send us payment for it.

    As I mentioned in the top post, Appbackr's had some issues that they need to resolve -- not matching a bunch of games that were submitted properly is one of those issues and the primary thing I'm discussing with them this afternoon.

    Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc · [email protected]

  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970
    edited February 2014
    @dgackey Yea I agree with @CodeMonster . Can you check up and see what is up with the status of apps submitted from early to mid Jan? I got paid for one from Dec, but nothing from Jan.

    My bad, I had submitted this prior to seeing your post above.
  • dgackeydgackey Austin, TXInactive, PRO, Chef Emeritus Posts: 699
    Again guys, that is the focus of the call I am having with Appbackr this afternoon. The issue is on their end and I expect them to resolve it.

    Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc · [email protected]

  • CodeMonsterCodeMonster ACT, AustraliaMember Posts: 1,078
    @dgackey oh thats cool then :) so im guessing since my apps didnt match appbackrs report i wont be getting the appbackr incentives right?
    but ill just be getting the 3 months of pro + $50 per game accepted?

    cheers :)
  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378

    -- Free months: free months have been processed for all known validated submissions as of the 1/31 report from Appbackr. Once we have verification from Intel regarding the rest of the submissions we'll go ahead and process them too.
    Should I be concerned that I have December submitted apps and haven't received any free months yet?

  • dgackeydgackey Austin, TXInactive, PRO, Chef Emeritus Posts: 699
    edited February 2014
    * Appbackr sent us a list of users they believe were GameSalad developers.
    * We know they missed a lot of you.
    * I'm talking to them soon to explain this to them and secure their assurance that they will find and pay us for the games they missed.
    * Once I have concrete details to share I will post them here.
    * Free months have been credited to people we know have been reported as valid thus far, but as soon as we have a final list from Intel we'll do the rest.

    Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc · [email protected]

  • CodeMonsterCodeMonster ACT, AustraliaMember Posts: 1,078
    oh that makes sense, thanks heaps @dgackey :)
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